Start Here: 1 Tip for Health

Start paying attention.
It doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.
It's that easy. Whatever lifestyle or diet plan you follow, start paying attention to what you eat.
Think about how you look, feel, and perform. Not just immediately after but for the next few days. Think about the times you've gotten a lot of work done while feeling great. 
Next, think about the times where you've felt slow and sluggish. Chances are what you've just eaten has played a big role in how your feeling. Remember that nutrition plays a large role in mood and figure out what works the best for you.
The simple act of paying attention to what you eat makes you care more about it.
When you start caring, you start doing. You're here because you care about health and reaching your maximum potential. For people who start to pay attention and care, change can happen.
Next, take the smallest action that has a meaningful outcome to achieve your goals. You only have to start paying attention to that one thing. 
It doesn't matter whether that means reading labels, writing stuff down, mindfully eating, or anything else.
Start as small as possible.
You have my permission to ignore everything else (for now).
Do you already pay attention to what you eat? Want some easy next steps. Check out these tips for optimal performance.
Drink enough fluids - Feeling thirsty? Dehydration diminishes physical and cognitive performance in a number of ways. 
Just 2% dehydration impairs performance in tasks requiring attention, memory, and psychomotor skills. By maintaining adequate hydration you perform at your best.
Correct nutrient deficiencies - Micronutrient deficiencies are associated with a vast array of symptoms from depressed mood to degenerative and age-associated diseases. Without the right building blocks our bodies don't function efficiently or correctly.
Balance gut bacteria - Many people have poor gut health with lots bad and not very many good bacteria. Eating highly processed foods wrecks havoc on your digestive system. 
Take some pre/probiotics and eat fermented foods. Your gut brain influences your mood and cognitive performance so take care of it.
Dump highly processed foods - Read the label of everything you buy. If you don't recognize or can't pronounce the names of the ingredients they are probably not that good for you. 
Shop on the outer section of the grocery store buying fresh or frozen natural earth grown nutrients, not the pre-made boxed junk.
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