Definitely need a yellow flag....relationships are about aligning values. Tattoos are neither a red or a green flag. If you like tattoos, it’s a green flag, if you don’t then it’s a red or a yellow flag. Or calling you pet names. If you like it, then green. If you don’t, and you…
I'm the one who posted that and my main point was not to lie to get sex. I think when you are young, it's easy to mislead someone. Maybe you do like her, but she is way more into you. So you lead her along and get some sex. But then you eventually end it and it's horrible. My main…
Never lie to get sex. If you want a casual thing, be honest and say so. Maybe they say yes, maybe they say no. Don't make some believe or tell them you like them more than you do. It's just wrong and you will feel like crap too when you break their heart.
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