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Today’s Picks

Mixed Signals

The Dangerous Rise of GPS Attacks

Thousands of planes and ships are facing GPS jamming and spoofing. Experts warn these attacks could potentially impact critical infrastructure, communication networks, and more.
Flux Capacitor

The Showdown Over Who Gets to Build the Next DeLorean

Decades after her dad’s iconic sports car time-traveled into movie history, Kat DeLorean wants to build a modern remake. There’s just one problem: Someone else owns the trademark on her name.
Hello Moto

Which Motorola Phone Should You Buy?

These Android smartphones often deliver two-day battery life and have lots of storage. But which Moto models are best?
We ❤️ Hardware

‘You Must Believe You Can Repair It’

Originally published March 2023: Six years ago, I moved my family into a 50-year-old RV—not just to see America, but to test my belief that anything worth fixing can be fixed.