George Lucas-Mellody Hobson Reception: A Galaxy of Stars Turns Out for Bash

George Lucas-Mellody Hobson Wedding Reception Star-Studded Affair

HYDE PARK β€” George Lucas and Mellody Hobson's Chicago wedding reception had a guest list that included Darth Vader, two Daleys and a Kennedy.

Actor Hayden Christensen, who played a young Anakin Skywalker β€” who, spoiler alert, becomes Darth Vader β€” in two of the recent "Star Wars" films, brought girlfriend and actress Rachel Bilson as his plus-one. Actor Warwick Davis, best known for his work in "Willow," also attended the star-studded affair at Promontory Point in Hyde Park Saturday.

Celebs began streaming into the party about 7 p.m., passing about 150 onlookers as they rode in golf carts from a parking lot through a pedestrian tunnel to get to the lakefront location.

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