Xenophobia is a fear and stigmatization of foreigners. People who look different, speak a different language, or have different customs can appear threatening to those who are used to only one particular ethnic group, lifestyle or set of behaviors.[1] But xenophobia can be overcome, and you can take it on either directly or through community engagement and political action.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Finding Personal Solutions to Xenophobia

  1. You may have a relative or friend who has nationalist or racist ideals. Spend time talking to them about their point of view. When in conversation with a racist, nationalist, or xenophobe, avoid attacking them directly. Instead, emphasize that it is their ideas which are misguided, and remind them that they are a good person who can and should let go of their intolerance.
    • Use calm, reasoned arguments to illustrate that they don’t need to fear a group just because they are different.
    • Surprise them with new information that could change their perspective. For instance, if a Catholic is afraid of Muslims, you might mention that Muslims really revere Mary, or that they recognize Jesus as a great teacher.
    • If the person says something hurtful, tell them directly how it hurt your feelings and let them know why.[2]
  2. Xenophobia is often no more than a feeling of suspicion or mistrust of the “other.” Pressing people as to exactly why they consider differences in culture, religion, or dress threatening is the first step toward making them question their own bigoted beliefs. Is it skin color? Accent? Religious practice? Stereotypes about behaviors? These are among the most common causes of xenophobia.
  3. Xenophobia results in discrimination, racism, and nationalism, which in turn inspire violence, hostility, and exploitation.[3] Many of the world’s worst atrocities – from the Holocaust to the Rwandan Genocide – have been inspired by xenophobic sentiments. Educating people about these historical facts will help prevent future outbursts of xenophobia. Other examples of xenophobia which were later accepted as disasters or embarrassments include:
    • The Sacco and Vanzetti case
    • The internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II
    • The 2008 Alexandra riots in South Africa
  4. Comedy can reveal the absurdity underlying xenophobic rhetoric.[4] Use jokes and satire to illustrate how silly it is to disrespect and deny aid to others just because they are different. For instance, a popular parody group in Hungary criticized their government’s proposal to build a long wall along the border to keep immigrants out by expressing excitement for the return of the Iron Curtain.
    • You could also draw a cartoon lambasting xenophobic policies and demagogues.
    • Even though xenophobia is a serious issue, comedy is a good tool to express disagreement with xenophobic notions and challenge xenophobic beliefs.
  5. Be an example to others of how to forge a more united, accepting world. Build coalitions with marginalized groups on social and political issues. Alternately, join a sports team, club, or hobby group that has an ethnically diverse membership. Foreign language study groups are a good choice, as are cooking classes which promote global cuisine. Standing in visible solidarity with people in marginalized groups in daily life is a simple but important way to defeat xenophobia.
    • Celebrate diversity. If you live in a big city like New York or San Francisco, visit foreign enclaves like Chinatown or Little Italy. Talk to the people in these neighborhoods and patronize their businesses.
Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Getting Help (Sociopolitical Solutions)

  1. Xenophobia in politics manifests as jingoism, an extreme and narrowly-defined nationalism coupled with hawkish foreign policy. Progressive politicians are the opposite: they stand for peaceful resolutions, value multiculturalism, and believe in the equality of all people regardless of their nation, religion, or creed. Avoid voting for politicians who support war or punitive sanctions against a different culture or ethnic group simply because they are different.
  2. Laws which strictly regulate hate speech and hate crimes are powerful deterrents against xenophobia. Xenophobes tend to support strict immigration and refugee policies which limit the flow of asylum-seekers.
    • Prosecute hate crimes and hate speech.
    • When foreigners are threatened, attacked, or have their businesses ruined, someone needs to be held accountable. Punishing the perpetrators sends a clear message that xenophobia is unacceptable.[5]
    • Getting assistance and support of law enforcement is crucial. Police are often untrained in how to address hate crimes[6] or, worse, among the chief exploiters of refugees, migrants, and foreigners.
  3. Craft educational curricula that celebrate diversity and encourage tolerance for cultures different than your own. Similarly, institute workplace guidelines in hiring, firing, benefits, and compensation which ensure all workers are treated equitably. In schools, government, and industry, promote positive images of minorities, foreigners, asylum seekers, and other marginalized peoples at risk for being the targets of xenophobic attacks.[7]
  4. Form or join a nonprofit organization that fights for social equality and inclusion. Hold rallies and marches against xenophobic incidents and legislation.
    • Marching sends a powerful signal to xenophobes that their behavior is unacceptable.
    • Use social media to promote your message and actions.
    • Launch public education and awareness campaigns to insist that foreigners and refugees deserve respect and empathy.[8]
    • Include marginalized peoples in the decision-making process.
    • Use relevant holidays like World Refugee Day (20 June) and the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March) to bring attention to the problem of xenophobia.
  5. Journalists can be an important source of information and education in the fight against xenophobia.[9] Write to your local newspaper, your news website of choice, or your favorite news magazine asking for more stories about how xenophobia is hurting people both abroad and in your state or nation. Repost stories you see online through social media. Make xenophobia a visible issue.
    • Start a blog to criticize and document the xenophobic sentiments you hear from public figures, celebrities, or just people around you.
  6. People who have experienced xenophobia should be included in the decision-making process to find out how they experience xenophobia and how they think it could best be combated. Encourage migrants, refugees, and victims of racism and discrimination to speak up about their experiences and how they were made to feel.
    • Give the victims of xenophobia a platform from which to denounce their attackers. The quality and scope of documentation in cases of xenophobic harassment and violence is generally poor.
    • Provide aid to victims of xenophobic attacks. This may include food, shelter, clothing, or non-material aid like counseling.
    • Let the victims of xenophobia know that they have rights and don’t need to suffer in silence.

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  • Fighting to defeat xenophobia is a noble goal, but understand that it will take generations to accomplish. Many of the reasons behind xenophobia have deeply historical [10] or psychological[11] roots. Despite this, don't give up. Even changing one person's point of view can be a large impact.
  • If you are xenophobic, ask other people to help you reconsider your point of view.

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About this article

Nancy Lin, PhD
Co-authored by:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
This article was co-authored by Nancy Lin, PhD. Dr. Nancy Lin is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and the Owner of Go to Sleep San Diego, a private practice providing therapy for people suffering from insomnia, trauma, depression, and related problems. She is also trained in issues related to cultural diversity in mental health. Dr. Lin holds a Bachelors degree in Psychology from The University of California, Berkeley and a Masters degree in Medical Anthropology from the University of London, SOAS. She earned her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from The University of Massachusetts Boston and completed an APA-accredited internship and postdoctoral training at the VA San Diego Healthcare System (VASDHS). This article has been viewed 204,068 times.
8 votes - 50%
Co-authors: 26
Updated: June 4, 2023
Views: 204,068
Article SummaryX

While xenophobia, or the fear of foreigners, may feel like a difficult fight to take on, you can help defeat it through your daily actions. Vote for progressive politicians since they tend to stand for peaceful resolutions and value multiculturalism and the equality of all people. You can also work on or support legislation that combats xenophobia, like the prosecution of hate crimes. Another option is to form or join a nonprofit organization that fights for social equality and inclusion and show up to their rallies and marches, which sends a powerful message that xenophobia is unacceptable. To learn how to talk to a friend or relative about their xenophobia, keep reading!

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