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The Consumer Product Safety Commission just launched an investigation into hoverboards

Ben Larcey/Creative Commons
Fashion may have once been the most fickle industry, but these days, it seems that tech is fast taking its place. And the poster child for how the mighty have fallen lies in the ill-fated hoverboard, which has suffered a precipitous decline in reputation over the last several months. The latest episode in the ongoing death spiral is a full blown investigation by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). According to a statement from the Commission, officials are “looking into dozens of fires involving hoverboards, which are also called smart boards or self-balancing boards.” And it’s really, really not looking good.

The problem with many of these spontaneously combusting wheeled devices has been linked to a faulty lithium ion battery, which is so unstable that they’re capable of exploding at any moment’s notice. A number of dangerous incidents have been reported, and hoverboards have been banned in a number of environments, including airplanes, college campuses, and even some city streets. As the Commission points out, many of the recent blazes “occurred indoors and could have resulted in serious injuries if not for the quick actions of consumers to extinguish the fire.” As a result, the organization notes, “This is a priority investigation and CPSC is devoting the staff time and resources necessary to find the root causes of the fires.”

Thus far, CPSC has been none too pleased with its findings. In a statement, Chairman Elliot Kaye urged “responsible large-volume online sellers in particular to stop selling these products until we have more certainty regarding their safety,” and also offered kudos to Amazon for offering refunds to customers who’ve purchased malfunctioning hoverboards. The investigation is currently ongoing, but even so, Kaye has provided consumers a few tips and tricks when dealing with the potentially dangerous products:

  • Have a working fire extinguisher nearby while charging or using these boards in and around your home.
  • Charge in an open area away from combustible materials.
  • Gear up before riding, which means putting on a skateboard helmet, elbow and knee pads, and wrist guards.
  • And finally, do not use a hoverboard on or near a road.

Safety first, friends — and it looks like that generally doesn’t include a hoverboard.

Lulu Chang
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Fascinated by the effects of technology on human interaction, Lulu believes that if her parents can use your new app…
Digital Trends’ Tech For Change CES 2023 Awards
Digital Trends CES 2023 Tech For Change Award Winners Feature

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Samsung's Relumino Mode
Across the globe, roughly 300 million people suffer from moderate to severe vision loss, and generally speaking, most TVs don’t take that into account. So in an effort to make television more accessible and enjoyable for those millions of people suffering from impaired vision, Samsung is adding a new picture mode to many of its new TVs.
[CES 2023] Relumino Mode: Innovation for every need | Samsung
Relumino Mode, as it’s called, works by adding a bunch of different visual filters to the picture simultaneously. Outlines of people and objects on screen are highlighted, the contrast and brightness of the overall picture are cranked up, and extra sharpness is applied to everything. The resulting video would likely look strange to people with normal vision, but for folks with low vision, it should look clearer and closer to "normal" than it otherwise would.
Excitingly, since Relumino Mode is ultimately just a clever software trick, this technology could theoretically be pushed out via a software update and installed on millions of existing Samsung TVs -- not just new and recently purchased ones.

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AI turned Breaking Bad into an anime — and it’s terrifying
Split image of Breaking Bad anime characters.

These days, it seems like there's nothing AI programs can't do. Thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence, deepfakes have done digital "face-offs" with Hollywood celebrities in films and TV shows, VFX artists can de-age actors almost instantly, and ChatGPT has learned how to write big-budget screenplays in the blink of an eye. Pretty soon, AI will probably decide who wins at the Oscars.

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4 simple pieces of tech that helped me run my first marathon
Garmin Forerunner 955 Solar displaying pace information.

The fitness world is littered with opportunities to buy tech aimed at enhancing your physical performance. No matter your sport of choice or personal goals, there's a deep rabbit hole you can go down. It'll cost plenty of money, but the gains can be marginal -- and can honestly just be a distraction from what you should actually be focused on. Running is certainly susceptible to this.

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