Futures Forum: State of Nature
Futures Forum: State of Nature: one year on...
From the Telegraph earlier this month:
Sir David Attenborough: the escalating erosion of wildlife threaten us all
Every one of us still has a chance to make a difference, Sir David says ahead of the Conference for Nature in London

Sir David Attenborough Photo: Robert Hollingworth
02 Sep 2014
The ''escalating erosion of wildlife'' from the planet is a direct threat to people's quality of life, naturalist Sir David Attenborough has warned.
But everyone from individual members of the public to business magnates and politicians has an opportunity to help save nature, he said ahead of a major conference on the crisis facing the natural world.
Organisers said the Conference for Nature in London will bring together politicians led by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, industry figures and conservation and countryside groups to find ''game-changing'' solutions to the crisis...
Last year, the UK's major conservation groups published the State of Nature report, which revealed that 60% of assessed native species were in decline and one in 10 were heading for extinction in the country...
Sir David Attenborough: the escalating erosion of wildlife threaten us all - Telegraph
From the Butterfly Conservation news website:
Game-changing response required to tackle State of Nature crisis
Finding game-changing solutions to the crisis facing nature is the theme of the landmark Conference for Nature today [3 September], which features high-profile delegates including Butterfly Conservation's president, Sir David Attenborough, The Rt Hon Nick Clegg MP, Germaine Greer and key people from business, politics, the utility sector and conservation.
More than a year on, the State of Nature report partners, with support from Sir David Attenborough, are striving to encourage new ways of tackling the crisis facing our wildlife.

More than 250 people will be attending this seminal conference including leading figures in industry and Government as well as all the UK’s major wildlife and countryside organisations; demonstrating the level of ambition for tackling the huge challenges facing nature.
Mike Clarke, is the RSPB’s Chief Executive. He said: “Last year’s State of Nature Conference set out the context for the devastating declines in some of our best-loved species, such as the turtle dove, common toad, and Atlantic salmon. However, saving these and other threatened species requires inventive solutions and creative partnerships with many sectors, underpinned by a meaningful commitment from Government. This conference is the platform for all to come together and achieve just that.”
Helen Ghosh, Director-General of the National Trust, said: “The evidence that nature is in trouble is overwhelming. Our challenge is to find radical and practical solutions to restore the health of our natural environment, which we know is loved by people across the UK. At the heart of this approach must be collaboration and partnership – working together to think big, be bold and to deliver real change on the ground.”
Stephanie Hilborne OBE, Chief Executive of The Wildlife Trusts, said: "As a country, we are experiencing increasing levels of obesity and diabetes; and one in four of us will suffer with our mental health at some point in our lives. Active contact with nature can help prevent and cure these health problems so we need to help our natural environment to recover and get back in touch with it. That’s a big change and Society will only prosper when genuine political leadership is shown on this issue.”
The Conference for Nature is organised by the State of Nature Partnership, a coalition of twenty-six NGOs, including RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts, Buglife, Butterfly Conservation and Plantlife.
The conference will be attended by figures from a wide range of other industry sectors including housing development, water, retail, agriculture, mineral extraction, finance, transport and infrastructure.
Butterfly Conservation - Game-changing response required to tackle State of Nature crisis
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