Posted in Bible, Faith, God, Thinking Out Loud

It’s In The Details

Reading through the text in Exodus, something seems to be clicking for me. Why all the detail in the creation of the Tabernacle? The clothing for the priests? The curtains, the lampstands, all of it – even the curtain rings and clasps! Even the underwear for the priests! Why so much detail?! I mean, why include this in Scripture?

And today, the thought occurred to me – well, all the pieces mattered to God. They all had a purpose, and a reason. Just like all of us do in the Body of Christ.

You may think, well it’s just a curtain ring, big deal. But if that curtain ring were to fail, the curtain would sag and not hang properly. It might cause the curtain to rip or something. It reminds me of when Paul said that if one part of the body suffered, the whole body suffered. [1 Corinthians 12:25-27]

When I was little, I used to think that only the “Important” things mattered to God, and that I shouldn’t waste His time in praying for unimportant things. [like He’d run out of time, right? lol] When I got older and learned about sub-atomic particles, I realized that God is not only God of the universe, holding up galaxies by His Will alone, but He is also God of the tiny and invisible [to us] things as well, things that by another definition might be called minutiae.

He even made the dust so sacred by breathing Life into it that He was willing to step out of His Glory for a moment and die for it – for us, you and me.

I may be dust, or a 4th toe, or a curtain ring – and I’m good with that. God loves me, because He cares about the details, too.

Posted in VOTD

Matthew 6:24

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1 Peter 3:12

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Zechariah 14:9

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Jeremiah 29:13