Posted in 2019 NanoPoblano, Re-Blog

10/10/10 – new format to our nablopomo

Shaking things up with the Poblanos! C’mon, join in! You can do this! ❤

Posted in Blogging, Challenge, Instagram

#Somethingist Something Unfinished 30 #Somethingist challenge 

Posted in 2015 NaBloPoMo, 2015 Nano Poblano, Blogging

A Pepper’s Paradise

So, it’s time once again for NaBloPoMo.  National Blog Posting Month.  It came about as a way for bloggers to have something to participate in too, like writers who participate in NaNoWriMo.

Now, I’ve never participated in NaBloPoMo, although for about four years I did post daily on my old blog.  There came a point where I just stopped.  I don’t know why – every blogger seems to go through their own slump, if you will, where they just need to back off, recharge, regroup, do other life things.  Whatever the reason, we all seem to experience it.  I kept thinking I’d get back in the saddle at some point, but I haven’t for about 3 years now.

But then … Rara.  She’s an adorable blogger I’ve been following for quite some time now, I think even back when I was still on my old blog and I haven’t been there in over two years, so I’ve been following her for quite a while.  She’s had her own personal journey to go on and I so admire her spirit.  So when she so sweetly encouraged her followers to join her in what she likes to call Nano Poblano, who could resist?  I mean, she’s practically as bad as my daughter with the puppy dog eyes thing.  Winking smile  You can read her post about it here: waiter, there is too much pepper in my coffeekash. | rarasaur  She even made a badge and everything.

All rights reserved by Rarasaur

So here I am, committing to Nano Poblano.  And the only thing that kept going through my head was an old commercial for Dr Pepper.

C’mon and join the party!  NanoPoblano 2015  It’ll be fun and inspiring!  Then you can be a Pepper too!

See you tomorrow!

All rights reserved by Vanessence