Farm and Garden

Food Production
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ladybugs sitting on top of an orange flower with text overlay that reads,'attracting ladybugs to your vegetable garden '
Attracting Ladybugs to Your Vegetable Garden and Keeping Them There
a cow eating grass with the words 8 things to have before you get a milk cow
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8 Things To Have Before You Get A Milk Cow
several pictures with the words the homestead barn - important questions, before building
The Homestead Barn - Questions To Ask Before Building
a flock of chickens standing on top of a lush green field next to a chicken coop
How To Use A Small Farm For Tax Write Offs
How To Use A Small Farm For Tax Write Offs -
two women standing on top of a hill looking out at the countryside behind them with trees in the distance
Farm Grants for Women
Female farmers - Farm Grants for Women
a man sitting in hay holding a tray of eggs
How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. |
Grants for First Time Farmers
an aerial view of the countryside with houses and trees
How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. |
How Do You Apply for a Small Farm Grant? | eHow
a close up of a bee on a white background
How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. |
Government Grants for Beekeeping
a bee sitting on top of a flower with its wings spread out and it's head turned to the side
Outdoor Radio: A Pollinator Paradise At The Birds Of Vermont Museum | Vermont Center for Ecostudies
there are some fish hanging on the line outside this garage door and in front of it is a bucket full of water
Butcher station for chickens and rabbits
lettuce and leafy greens are shown in three different colors on a white background
Plant Basics | Hunker
Trim leaf lettuce 2 to 4 inches for eating and rapid regrowth.
an artist's rendering of a small garden with trees and water features in it
Build a Zero-Waste Homestead – Mother Earth News
Build a Zero-Waste Homestead - Homesteading and Livestock - MOTHER EARTH NEWS
an older woman holding a red bucket in her hands with the words, available farm grants for women
Available Farm Grants For Women - The Homestead Survival
Available Farm Grants For Women The Homestead Survival - Homesteading -
the table shows how many different types of vegetables are grown
how to store garden vegetables for winter