Audrey Hepburn's son: 'One day we will find a cure for the cancer that killed my mother'
WHEN Sean Hepburn Ferrer was born in 1960, his mother was at the height of her career.
She was a Hollywood star whose leading men had included Gary Cooper, Humphrey Bogart and Gregory Peck. Sean was just three months old when Audrey began filming Breakfast At Tiffany’s, playing Holly Golightly, the café society party girl, a role considered to be the actress’s most iconic. During her career Audrey became one of the few performers to scoop up not only Oscars but Emmy, Grammy and Tony awards.
She also broke records by winning three Baftas for best British actress in a leading role. “Yet when I started school and became less portable around the world’s film sets she gave up her career and became a full-time mum,” says Sean, 55, a former film producer and intellectual property manager.
“She made that wonderful wholesome decision and like everything else she did in life, she threw herself into it. I remember her as being wonderfully soft and delicate. She trained as a ballet dancer yet she was an iron fist in a velvet glove. My younger brother Luca and I had a wonderful childhood since she would try to guide us gently down the right path.”
Acting only occasionally during the last five years of her life, Audrey became a goodwill ambassador for children’s charity Unicef, dedicating herself to helping youngsters around the world. “As a family we would gather for Christmas in Switzerland and she looked more exhausted each year,” says Sean.
“We would ask, ‘when will you enjoy it and smell the roses?’” When she returned to Switzerland in 1992, after travelling to Somalia, Audrey was suffering crippling abdominal pains. Her doctor was wonderful and visited at home but antibiotics only made the pains worse,” says Sean.
On a trip to Los Angeles the following month, Audrey had a laparoscopy and doctors finally discovered the cause of her pain. She had a rare appendiceal cancer called pseudomyxoma peritonei (PMP), which usually starts in the appendix as a small growth and develops into a tumour. Left untreated, the tumour eventually bursts through the wall of the appendix to form further tumours.
Unlike other cancers that spread through the bloodstream or lymphatic system, the tumour produces a jelly-like substance called mucin. This can cause the appendix to swell up like a balloon. The tumour can then break through the wall of the appendix and spread tumour cells into the lining of the stomach (the peritoneum). The tumour cells and mucin build up in the lining of the stomach, putting pressure on the bowel.
However it can be years before symptoms, which can include abdominal swelling and pain, bowel changes, loss of appetite and fatigue, become obvious. “Statistically, it’s thought that between 1-2 million cases are diagnosed a year,” says Dawn Green, who runs the support network Pseudomyxoma Survivor.
“Although thanks to raised awareness, those fi gures look set to rise. It’s incredibly common for women to be misdiagnosed with ovarian cancer,” adds Dawn. “I was originally told by my local hospital that I had ovarian cancer and was given just three months to live. That was more than seven years ago. Thankfully I insisted on a referral to a specialist team – there are two, in Basingstoke and Manchester.”
Audrey Hepburn - Moon River
My younger brother Luca and I had a wonderful childhood since she would try to guide us gently down the right path
Dawn has now had three bouts of surgery to remove her appendix, womb, ovaries, cervix, half her stomach, right kidney, part of her liver and much of her bowel, colon, intestines and diaphragm. She also had three rounds of heatedabdominal chemotherapy, a gruelling treatment relatively untested in Audrey Hepburn’s day. “She [Audrey] had further surgery but it was too late,” says Sean.
“When she heard there was nothing more they could do she simply looked out of the window and said, ‘how disappointing’. She was a deeply spiritual person who had lived well and so she died well.” After the family had celebrated her last Christmas in Switzerland, Audrey passed away in January 1993 when Sean was 32.
When Dawn approached him, Sean was happy to become the Pseudomyxoma Survivor’s patron. He is also Rare Disease Day ambassador for Eurordis ( and Nord, both organisations for rare disorders. “There is still so much to learn about cancers which may have causes which are genetic, or to do with lifestyle, or be caused by micro-organisms we don’t even know about yet,” says Sean.
“I believe my mother’s immune system was harmed because of all the vaccinations she needed to visit different countries, when her body was already weakened after an impoverished wartime childhood. She was also exposed to huge emotional and psychological pressures in those countries. “But I believe that the huge advances now being made in genetic research will be the key to personalised medicine one day.”
Sean wrote movingly about his mother in his book Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit, with proceeds going to the Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund and Unicef. “Her mother was a Christian Scientist who didn’t believe in calling doctors,” Sean recalls.
“So when my mother caught whooping cough as a baby, stopped breathing and turned blue, her mother revived her by spanking her on the bottom. She saw life itself as a gift and saw her own survival as precious and a matter of chance.” Although his beloved mother’s life was tragically cut short aged 63, Sean believes she would have lived gracefully through her older years.
“Although in her 50s and 60s she withdrew from film, I believe she would have gone back to it one day. “That is why I am determined to go on campaigning, so that one day we will find a cure for terrible diseases such as that which ended my mother’s life.”
* For more information on PMP and appendiceal cancer call 0300 30 200 50 or visit