New Forum Section: Alternate Histories and Timelines


In light of a suggestion made by @Classicalfan626, a well appreciated member of our community, I decided to create a new forum section dedicated to the discussion of Alternate Histories and Timelines.

This new forum is in the main Time Travel Forum on the forum's home page.
Alternate Histories and Timelines

Alternate histories are other versions of the past history we know, that can possibly exist in a parallel timeline, considering that some precise events took place differently, or didn't happen at all. What if Hitler won WWII? What if Einstein was never born? What happens if the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs never happened?

It will also be a place to discuss timeline shifts and parallel universes. Does such a thing as a parallel world line exist? You just found out today that Michael Jackson is dead, did you just experience a timeline shift?!

In the next few days, I'm going to scan through the current time travel sections, and move all the discussions that to do with alternate histories and timelines to this new forum section.

Have fun! :)


Poison Pen

I have one stupid question. No never mind I will just stay out of this forum.
