Technical Platform on the Measurement and Reduction of Food Loss and Waste

The losses along the way
Why we need to think about transportation systems to reduce food loss
The Food Loss and Waste Challenge
How much do you know about food loss and waste? Let’s find out!
The losses along the way
Why we need to think about transportation systems to reduce food loss
The Food Loss and Waste Challenge
How much do you know about food loss and waste? Let’s find out!
The losses along the way
Why we need to think about transportation systems to reduce food loss
The Food Loss and Waste Challenge
How much do you know about food loss and waste? Let’s find out!
Food loss and waste reduction, measurement and policy

Food loss and waste reduction should be seen as a means towards achieving other objectives, including improving food security and nutrition, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lowering pressure on water and land resources, which contribute towards increased productivity and economic growth. The formulation of effective policies to achieve food loss and waste reduction requires comprehensive information as to how much and where – both geographically and along the supply chain – various foods are lost or wasted. The work of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on measurement, and its support to countries in taking action to reduce food loss and waste, is critical in tracking progress made by countries.

This Technical Platform on Food Loss and Waste contributes to the Food is Never Waste Coalition, which was established as a result of the United Nations Food Systems Summit in September 2021.

Find out more


Tools and apps
FAO Food Loss App (FLAPP)

Get actionable insights and expert advice on food loss from farm to market, all through the power of data and community-driven solutions!

Climate technologies for agrifood systems transformation

Placing food security, climate change and poverty reduction at the forefront. Climate technologies are a key enabler to support climate action and the sustainable transition of agrifood systems. 

Newsletter Fall 2024
Knowledge sharing
Newsletter | TPFLW Updates

Members of our Community of Practice (CoP) receive a bimonthly newsletter, the Technical Platform on Food Loss and Waste (TPFLW) Updates!

Join the CoP and stay updated.


Investing in food loss and waste prevention and reduction| IDAFLW 2024

The fifth observance of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste highlighted the critical need for financing to bolster efforts to...


FAO German room
Join the Community of Practice!

The Community of Practice is a Forum where everyone can discuss, learn, and share insights on food loss and waste. Sign up and part of a global network aiming to achieve food security for all.


Reducing food loss and waste in the processing, distribution and retail operations of micro, small and medium-sized food processing enterprises

This manual is designed as an easy-to-use, informational, and instructional resource on how to measure and reduce food losses at the micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) level, and to reduce food waste in retail.


The fifth observance of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will highlight the critical need for financing to bolster efforts to reduce food loss and waste, contribute toachieving climate goals and advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


The Food Waste Index Report 2024 expands on the 2021 edition by: 1) incorporating new data for a revised global food waste estimate; 2) refining SDG 12.3.2 measurement methodology with sector-specific guidance; and 3) shifting focus from measurement to reduction via public-private partnerships.