17 Celebrity Men Who Prove Beards Definitely Do It Better
I like your beard.
1. There's no question that John Krasinski was adorable in his Office days, but add a little facial hair and he's straight up hot.

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2. Dev Patel knows you want to run your fingers through his hair. And also his beard.

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3. Just look at this pose from Donald Glover. He knows his beard makes him hot AF.

Okay, so he has a little stubble in the first photo. But the bushier look is definitely better.

Okay, so he has a little stubble in the first photo. But the bushier look is definitely better.
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Okay, so he has a little stubble in the first photo. But the bushier look is definitely better.
4. Before: Tom Hardy is a pretty hot, normal man. After: Tom Hardy is one of the most unbelievably attractive men you've ever seen.

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5. Sam Claflin is pretty damn hot either way, tbh, but there's no question that the ~rugged look~ suits him.

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6. Zayn Malik knows what you like. He knows you like his beard.

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7. Non-beardy Andrew Garfield is cute af. Beardy Andrew Garfield is hot af. And he knows it.

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8. Daniel Radcliffe with a beard – more like Harry Hotter, am I right? Am I right?

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9. Tinie Tempah knows that a good pair of glasses and some excellent facial hair is the way to all our hearts.

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10. Jake Gyllenhaal's beard just makes his blue, blue eyes stand out even more.

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11. Ryan Reynolds' beard is a gift to the goddamn world, tbh.

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12. And he's not the only Ryan. Ryan Gosling also knows the power of a good beard.

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13. Drake is basically the king of facial hair.

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14. Ian Somerhalder's perfect jawline is just emphasised by a nice beard.

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15. Chris Pine is probably one of the hottest men in the world. But he's still not as hot as beardy Chris Pine.

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16. Chris Evans' beard is just ~super~.

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17. And Paul Rudd knows that the only thing better than a man who can make you laugh is a man who can make you laugh and also has a beard.

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