Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics – Tutorial

Last Updated: September 5, 2023

Table of Contents

Introduction to Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

Enhanced ecommerce tracking is a complete revamp of traditional ecommerce tracking in the sense that, it provides many more ways to collect and analyze ecommerce data. It is like ecommerce tracking on steroids.

Right from the moment when the user lands on the website, enhanced ecommerce captures the total number of products that were shown to the user as product Impressions. It captures the product the user has clicked on, the product the user saw (product detail view) and then the add to cart event followed by shipping or check out and finally the transaction.

Enhanced ecommerce provides deeper insight into the ecommerce engagement of your users.

The Difference between standard Ecommerce and Enhanced Ecommerce in Google Analytics

Following are the main differences between standard and enhanced ecommerce tracking in GA:

  1. Enhanced ecommerce provides twice as many reports as traditional ecommerce
  2. Enhanced ecommerce uses a different plugin
  3. Enhanced ecommerce can be implemented only when you use Universal Analytics
  4. Through enhanced e-commerce, you can capture more ecommerce data

#1 Enhanced ecommerce provides twice as many reports as traditional ecommerce

If you have installed traditional ecommerce tracking on your website, then you will see the following 5 ecommerce reports in your Google Analytics view:

  1. Ecommerce Overview
  2. Product Performance
  3. Sales Performance
  4. Transactions
  5. Time to Purchase

If you have installed enhanced ecommerce tracking on your website, then you will see the following 10 ecommerce reports in your Google Analytics view:

  1. Ecommerce Overview
  2. Shopping Behavior Analysis
  3. Checkout Behavior Analysis
  4. Product Performance
  5. Sales Performance
  6. Product List Performance
  7. Internal Promotion
  8. Order Coupon
  9. Product Coupon
  10. Affiliate Code
ga enhanced ecommerce tracking Overview

#2 Enhanced ecommerce uses a different plugin

In order to set up traditional ecommerce tracking, we use the ecommerce.js plugin.

But to set up enhanced ecommerce tracking, we use the ec.js plugin.

#3 Enhanced ecommerce can be implemented only when you use Universal Analytics

You can set up traditional ecommerce tracking, whether you are using ga.js or analytics.js JavaScript library (aka Universal Analytics).

But to set up enhanced ecommerce tracking, you have to use Universal Analytics. You can not set up enhanced ecommerce tracking if you are currently using ga.js. You first need to migrate your account to Universal Analytics.

#4 Through enhanced ecommerce you can capture more ecommerce data

You can send only two types of ecommerce data via traditional ecommerce tracking to GA: transaction data and item data.

Through enhanced ecommerce tracking, you can send the following types of ecommerce data to GA:

  1. Impression data: Total number of the product shown to the user on the Home page or category page
  2. Product data: Product detail view. Product attributes like product name, product id, product variant, product colour, product brand.
  3. Promotion data: Internal Promotion ID, promotion creative, position, coupon code
  4. Action data: product view, add to cart, remove from cart, checkout, shipping method, transaction

In short, through the standard ecommerce tracking, you can only track users’ transactions on the order confirmation page. Whereas through enhanced ecommerce tracking you can also track all the steps (like product view, add to cart, remove from cart etc) that were taken by a user before the purchase. 

Implementing Enhanced Ecommerce

There are two ways to implement Enhanced ecommerce on the website:

  1. Using Datalayer (recommended)
  2. Using Custom JavaScript Method

When you use the Datalayer method, all the product variables are loaded in Datalayer object and called whenever any ecommerce event happens on the website. 

A sample Datalayer call may look like the one below:


// Measure a view of product details. This example assumes the detail view occurs on page load,

// and also tracks a standard pageview of the details page.


  'ecommerce': {

    'detail': {

      'actionField': {'list': 'Apparel Gallery'},    // 'detail' actions have an optional list property.

      'products': [{

        'name': 'Classic tshirt,         // Name or ID is required.

        'id': '12345',

        'price': '17.25',

        'brand': 'Your Product brand',

        'category': 'Apparel',

        'variant': 'blue'






2.Using Custom JavaScript Method

If the website does not support Datalayer, we can pass the ecommerce event in following jQuery script as the event happens:

// A custom JavaScript macro that returns an ecommerceData object

// that follows the data layer syntax.

function() {

  var ecommerceData = {

    'ecommerce': {

'detail': {

      'actionField': {'list': 'Apparel Gallery'},    // 'detail' actions have an optional list property.

       'products': [{

        'name': 'Classic tshirt,         // Name or ID is required.

        'id': '12345',

         'price': '17.25',

         'brand': 'Your Product brand',

         'category': 'Apparel',

         'variant': 'blue' // List of productFieldObjects


        ... // Rest of the code should follow the data layer syntax.



  return ecommerceData;


Introduction to Ecommerce Engagement (aka Shopping Activity)

Ecommerce engagement (called ‘shopping activity’ in enhanced ecommerce reports) is the user engagement in terms of:

  1. Viewing your internal promotion campaign.
  2. Clicking on an internal promotion campaign.
  3. Viewing your products in a product list (product list could be a search result page and/or product category page)
  4. Clicking one of the product links in the product list.
  5. Viewing product detail page.
  6. Adding/removing products from your shopping cart.
  7. Starting or abandoning the checkout process.
  8. Adding a coupon code
  9. Making a purchase
  10. Asking for a refund etc

Enhanced ecommerce reports provide much more detailed insight on ecommerce engagement/shopping activities than traditional ecommerce tracking reports.

Introduction to Ecommerce Abandonment (aka Abandoning Shopping Activity)

Ecommerce abandonment (called ‘abandonment’ in enhanced ecommerce reports) can be any or all of the following user’s activity on a website:

  1. Not starting a shopping activity on a website (No Shopping Activity)
  2. Viewing a product but not adding it to the shopping cart (No Cart Addition)
  3. Adding a product to the shopping cart but then not starting the checkout process (Cart Abandonment)
  4. Starting a checkout process but not completing the purchase (Checkout Abandonment)

You can see the various ecommerce abandonment via the enhanced ecommerce Shopping Behavior Analysis report:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking shopping behaviour analysis

Overview of Various Enhanced Ecommerce Reports

Once you have installed and enabled enhanced ecommerce tracking, you can access the enhanced ecommerce reports in your GA view by navigating to Reporting tab > Conversions > Ecommerce:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking reports

Ecommerce Overview Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce >Overview

As the name suggests, this report provides an overview of ecommerce activities on your website.

The ecommerce overview report is made up of four sections:

#1 Revenue and Conversion Rate – this section reports on total revenue and ecommerce conversion rate in the selected time period.

Revenue – it is the total sales from orders placed on your website, in the selected time period. It may include tax and shipping costs.

Ecommerce Transactions – it is the percentage of GA sessions in which the orders were placed on your website.

#2 Transactions – this section reports on the total number of transactions and average order value in the selected time period.

Transactions – it is the total number of orders placed on your website, in the selected time period.

Average order value – it is the average value of a purchase order placed on your website, in the selected time period.

#3 Marketing – this section provides an overview of the ecommerce performance of internal and external marketing campaigns.

#4 Top Sellers – this section provides an overview of the ecommerce performance of top products, top product categories, and top product brands.

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking marketing
ga enhanced ecommerce tracking top sellers

The ‘Marketing’ section is made up of the following sub-sections:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking campaigns

#1 Campaigns – this section provides an overview of the ecommerce performance of all the campaigns, whose performance is reported via Campaigns > All Campaigns report:

#2 Internal Promotion – this section provides an overview of the ecommerce performance of your internal promotions.

Internal promotions are the promotion of your products on your own website e.g. putting a banner ad on your homepage to promote a particular product listed on another part of your website.

If you click on the ‘Internal Promotion’ link, it will take you to the ‘Internal Promotion‘ report:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking internal promotion

#3 Order Coupon Code – this section provides an overview of the ecommerce performance of your external promotions via order coupons. If you click on the ‘Order Coupon Code‘ link, it will take you to the ‘Order Coupon‘ report:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking order coupon code

#4 Affiliation – this section provides an overview of the ecommerce performance of your external promotions via affiliate websites. If you click on the ‘Affiliation‘ link, it will take you to the ‘Affiliate Code‘ report:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking affiliation

Enhanced Ecommerce Shopping Analysis Reports

You can access these reports by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Shopping Analysis

Following are the various Shopping Analysis reports:

  1. Shopping Behavior Analysis
  2. Checkout Behavior Analysis
ga enhanced ecommerce tracking shopping analysis reports

Through shopping analysis reports you can measure the strength and weaknesses of your purchase and checkout funnels.

Shopping Behavior Analysis Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce >Shopping Analysis > Shopping Behavior Analysis

The Shopping Behavior Analysis report shows the following stages of your purchase funnel and how users moved from one stage to the next:

#1 All Sessions – this is the stage where people visit your website and may start a shopping activity. But technically speaking, ‘All Sessions’ includes all GA sessions.

#2 Sessions with product views – this is the stage where people view product(s) on your website. But technically
speaking, ‘sessions with product views’ include only those GA sessions, in which one or more products were viewed.

#3 Sessions with Add to Cart – this is the stage where people add product(s) to your shopping cart. But technically
speaking, ‘sessions with Add to Cart’ include only those GA sessions, in which one or more products were added to the
shopping cart.

#4 Sessions with Check-Out – this is the stage where people checkout on your website. But technically speaking, ‘sessions
with Check-Out’ include only those GA sessions, in which checkout occurred on your website.

#5 Sessions with Transactions – this is the stage where people made a purchase on your website. But technically speaking,
‘sessions with Transactions’ include only those GA sessions, in which transaction was recorded on your website.

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking shopping behaviour analysis report

Shopping Progression and Abandonment

All the sessions in the Shopping Behavior Analysis report are shown in blue color.

The movement of users from one shopping stage of a purchase funnel to the next is called the ‘Shopping Progression‘. This shopping progression is shown in the Shopping Behavior Analysis report in grey color.

The abandonment of each stage of the purchase funnel, by users, is shown via a downward red-colored arrow:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking abandonment

The Shopping Behavior Analysis report, show ecommerce abandonment at each stage of the purchase funnel via the following metrics:

#1 No shopping activity – it includes only those GA sessions in which no shopping activity started on your website.

#2 No cart addition – it includes only those GA sessions in which a product was viewed but not added to a shopping cart.

#3 Cart Abandonment – it includes only those GA sessions in which a product was added to the shopping cart but it wasn’t checkout.

#4 Checkout Abandonment – it includes only those GA sessions in which the checkout process was started but no purchase was made.

How to use the Shopping Behavior Analysis Report

Look for large drop-off, from one stage of the purchase funnel to the next, in your Shopping Behavior Analysis report and then try to find the reason for such drop-off.

Possible causes for no shopping activity

If you conclude that, a large percentage of GA sessions do not include any shopping activity, then check the performance of your marketing campaigns. You are most likely getting low-quality traffic to the website.

This is the traffic that has no intention to make a purchase on your website.

Possible causes for no cart addition

If you conclude that, there is a large percentage of GA sessions, in which a product was viewed but not added to a shopping cart, then evaluate the contents on the product details pages.

Maybe the product description is not compelling, highly technical or lacking vital information. Maybe the product image is not of high quality. It could also be that, there are technical issues with a product detail page:

  • The page is taking forever to load.
  • The add to cart button is not working.
  • The page is throwing an error message

Possible causes for shopping cart abandonment

If you conclude that, there is a large percentage of GA sessions, in which a product was added to the shopping cart but it wasn’t checkout, then you need to check the offers and pricing of the same/similar products offered by your competitors.

People are most likely to abandon the shopping cart when they find a better price or offer somewhere else. So in that situation, you may need to come up with a better price/offer.

Sometimes people add items to your shopping cart but do not return because they forget about your product/offer/website while doing ‘comparison shopping’ over the course of several hours, days or even weeks.

In such a situation, remarketing campaigns can help you in reminding them about your product/offer/website.

Possible causes for checkout abandonment

If you conclude that, there are a large percentage of GA sessions, in which checkout process was started but no purchase was made then you need to run usability tests on your checkout process and look for following issues:

  • A customer is presented with unexpected cost/ hidden charges.
  • Checkout navigation is too complicated
  • The whole checkout process is too long.
  • Website timeout
  • Checkout crashed (asking users to start the checkout all over again)
  • Shipping charges are too high
  • Delivery time is too long
  • Limited payment options
  • Prices mentioned in a foreign currency
  • Payment is not processing or declining
  • Errors while filling out forms

User Re-entering the Purchase Funnel

A user can re-enter the purchase funnel at any stage in a subsequent session to complete his purchase. The Shopping Behavior Analysis report show this re-entry via a separate blue bar at the top of a bar:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking purchase funnel

Enhanced Ecommerce Segments via Shopping Behavior Analysis Report

There are a lot of hidden buttons on the Shopping Behavior Analysis report which can be used to create enhanced ecommerce segments:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking hidden buttons
ga enhanced ecommerce tracking hidden buttons2
ga enhanced ecommerce tracking current view

Enhanced ecommerce segments are the advanced segments that are based on users’ shopping activities or abandonment of shopping activities.

To learn more about creating and applying enhanced ecommerce segments, read this article: Using Enhanced Ecommerce segments for Remarketing in Google Analytics 

Shopping Behavior Data Table

You can see the shopping behaviour data table just below the purchase funnel chart, in the Shopping Behavior Analysis report:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking shopping behaviour data table

This data table contains two tabs: ‘Sessions’ and ‘Abandonment’ and lets you apply one primary dimension (default or custom) to it.

For example, if you click on the ‘Abandonment’ tab and select ‘Device Category’ as primary dimensions, you can then see which device is causing maximum abandonment of shopping activity at each stage of the purchase funnel:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking abandonment tab

Checkout Behavior Analysis Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce >Shopping Analysis > Checkout behavior analysis

Through this report you can determine, how users move from one step of your checkout process to the next and at which step they enter or abandon the checkout funnel:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking checkout behaviour

The Shopping Behavior Analysis report focuses on the entire purchase funnel. But the ‘checkout behavior analysis’ report focuses only on the checkout part of the purchase funnel.

For easy reference, we call this checkout part the checkout funnel.

The checkout funnel that you see in the ‘checkout behavior analysis report’ depends upon your tagging and how you have labeled the various checkout funnel steps.

To label the various checkout funnel steps, follow the steps below:

Step-1: Navigate to the ‘Admin’ section of your GA view

Step-2: Click on ‘Ecommerce Settings’ > ‘Enable Enhanced Ecommerce Reporting’ 

Step-3: Give a descriptive name to each step in your checkout funnel:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking checkout funnel

Note: If you don’t name the various checkout steps, then you will see only a single step called step 1 in your Checkout Behavior Analysis report, which is a good option, only when you have got a single-step checkout:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking checkout steps

Only when you name the various checkout steps, they will appear, in your ‘Checkout Behavior Analysis’ report and make the report meaningful:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking named steps

Checkout Progression and Abandonment

All the sessions in the ‘Checkout Behavior Analysis’ report are shown in blue color.

The movement of users from one checkout step to the next is called the ‘Checkout Progression‘. This checkout progression is shown in the ‘Checkout Behavior Analysis’ report in ‘grey’ color.

The abandonment of each step of the checkout funnel, by users, is shown via downward red-colored arrow:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking checkout progression

User Re-entering the Checkout Funnel

A user can re-enter the checkout funnel at any step, in a subsequent session to complete his purchase. The checkout behavior analysis report show this re-entry via a separate blue bar at the top of a bar:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking reenter checkout funnel

Enhanced Ecommerce Segments via Checkout Behavior Analysis Report

There are a lot of hidden buttons on the checkout behavior analysis report, which can be used to create enhanced ecommerce segments:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking ecommerce segments
ga enhanced ecommerce tracking enhanced segment

To learn more creating and applying enhanced ecommerce segments, read this article: Using Enhanced Ecommerce segments for Remarketing in Google Analytics 

Checkout Behavior Data Table

You can see the checkout behavior data table just below the checkout funnel chart, in the Checkout Behavior Analysis report:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking checkout behaviour data table

This data table contains two tabs: ‘Sessions’ and ‘Abandonment’ and lets you apply one primary dimension (default or custom) to it.

Introduction to Product Performance Report

Through the enhanced ecommerce Product Performance report, you can track the sales performance and shopping behavior of your products.

To access this report, navigate to Conversions > Ecommerce > Product Performance

Tracking Sales Performance of Products

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking summary

You can track the sales performance of your products by clicking on the  ‘Summary’ tab of the enhanced ecommerce ‘product performance’ report:The report under the summary tab is made up of a chart and data table:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking data table

The data table is made up of rows and columns. Each row corresponds to a dimension and each metric corresponds to a metric. Thus the data table is made up of dimensions and metrics.

You can track the sales performance of your products through the following dimensions:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking dimensions

#1 Product – it is the name of the product sold

#2 Product SKU – it is the product code that is used to uniquely identify a product.

#3 Product Category (Enhanced Ecommerce) –  it is the name of the product category sent via enhanced ecommerce tracking code.

#4 Product brand – it is the brand name of a product.

You can track the sales performance of your products through the following metrics:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking metrics

#1 Product revenue – it is the total sales generated from a product or set of products. Product revenue = quantity X average price

#2 Unique purchases – it is the total number of times a product or a set of products was a part of a transaction.

#3 Quantity –  it is the total number of units sold for a product or set of products.

#4 Average price – it is the price of a single unit of a product.

#5 Average QTY – it is the average number of units sold for a product or set of products in one transaction. Average Quantity = Quantity / Unique Purchases

#6 Product refund amount –  it is the total refund amount associated with a product.

Tracking Shopping Behavior of Products

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking shopping behaviour

You can track the shopping behavior of your products by clicking on the  ‘shopping behavior’ tab of the enhanced ecommerce ‘product performance’ report:

You can track the shopping behavior of your products through the following dimensions:

#1 Product
#2 Product SKU
#3 Product Category (Enhanced Ecommerce)
#4 Product brand

You can track the shopping behavior of your products through the following metrics:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking shopping behaviour metrics

#1 Product list views – it is the number of times a product appeared in a product list.

#2 Product detail views – it is the number of times users viewed the product detail page.

#3 Product Adds to cart – it is the number of times a product was added to the shopping cart.

#4 Product Removes from cart – it is the number of times a product was removed from the shopping cart.

#5 Product Checkouts – it is the number of times a product was included in the checkout process.

#6 Unique purchases – it is the total number of times a product or a set of products was a part of a transaction.

#7 Cart to detail rate – the rate at which users add a product to the shopping cart after viewing the product details.

#8 Buy to detail rate – the rate at which users buy products after viewing the product details.

Sales Performance Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce >Sales Performance

Through the Sales Performance report, you can see the sales metrics (Revenue, Tax, Shipping, Refund Amount, and Quantity) for each transaction ID or by date.

Introduction to Products Lists

A product list is a logical grouping of products on your website.

Following are the examples of product lists:

#1 Product category page

#2 Internal search result page

#3 List of related products

#4 List of products that are used for up-selling/cross-selling

Note: You can create product lists only via enhanced ecommerce tracking. You can not create product lists through traditional ecommerce tracking.

Product List Performance Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Product list performance

Through enhanced ecommerce ‘Product List Performance report’ you can determine the product lists, which your users saw and you can also measure the effectiveness of your product lists in driving:

  1. Product views (product list views)
  2. Product clicks (product list clicks)
  3. Product CTR (product list CTR)

You can track the product list performance through the following dimensions:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking dimensions2

#1 Product list name – it is the name of a product list. You can use the name of a product category as a product list name.

#2 Product list position – it is the position/rank of a product in a product list. Possible values can be 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.

#3 Product – it is the name of the product sold.

#4 Product SKU – product code that is used to uniquely identify a product.

You can track the product list performance through the following metrics:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking product list metrics

#1 Product views (product list views) – it is the number of times a product appeared in a product list.

#2 Product clicks (product list clicks) – it is the number of times a product was clicked in a product list.

#3 Product CTR (product list CTR) – it is the rate at which users click on a product in a product list, after viewing it.

#4 Product adds to cart

#5 Product checkout

#6 Unique purchases

#7 Product revenue

Enhanced Ecommerce Marketing Reports

You can access these reports by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Marketing

Following are the various enhanced ecommerce marketing reports:

#1 Internal Promotion

#2 Order Coupon

#3 Product Coupon

#4 Affiliate Code

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking marketing reports

Through enhanced ecommerce marketing reports you can measure the internal and external marketing of your products.

Internal marketing is done via internal promotions (like internal banner ads) and external marketing is done via order coupons, product coupons, and affiliate websites.

Internal Promotion Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Marketing > Internal Promotion

Through the Internal Promotion report, you can determine the internal campaigns, which are most and least effective in driving traffic to targeted products. You can measure the views, clicks, CTR, transactions, and revenue for these internal campaigns.

You can track the performance of internal campaigns through the following dimensions:

#1 Internal promotion name – it is the name of your internal promotion. This name is pulled from your enhanced ecommerce tracking code.

You can track the performance of internal campaigns through the following metrics:

ga enhanced ecommerce tracking internal

#1 Internal Promotion Views – it is the number of views of an internal promotion campaign (like an internal banner)

#2  Internal Promotion Clicks – it is the number of clicks on an internal promotion campaign (like an internal banner)

#3  Internal Promotion CTR – it is the rate at which users click on an internal promotion campaign after viewing it.

#4 Transactions

#5 Revenue

Attribution in the Case of Internal Promotion Campaigns

In the case of internal promotion campaigns, a conversion (goal conversion or ecommerce transaction) is attributed to the last internal promotion click or last internal promotion view by a user just prior to the conversion.

Order Coupon Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Marketing > Order Coupon

Through the Order Coupon report, you can determine the order coupons which are most and least effective in driving sales, orders and average order value. So if a coupon is negatively impacting the sales, you can choose to discontinue it.

Product Coupon Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Marketing > Product Coupon

Through the Product Coupon report, you can determine the product coupons which are most and least effective in driving sales and orders. So if a coupon is negatively impacting the sales, you can discontinue its use.

This report includes a new metric called Product Revenue Per Purchase. It is the average product revenue per purchase.

Affiliate Code Report

You can access this report by navigating to Conversions > Ecommerce > Marketing > Affiliate Code

Through the Affiliate Code report, you can determine the affiliate websites which are most and least effective in driving sales, orders, and average order value.

Note: You see only that data in your enhanced ecommerce reports, which, you supply to the GA server, via the enhanced ecommerce tracking code. So for example, if you do not supply the product code or order code data, then that data won’t appear in your reports.

In order to truly benefit from enhanced ecommerce tracking, you should aim to supply all of the enhanced ecommerce data to GA.

Frequently Asked Questions About Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics

What is enhanced ecommerce tracking in Google Analytics

Enhanced ecommerce provides deeper insight into the ecommerce engagement of your users. Enhanced ecommerce tracking is a complete revamp of the traditional ecommerce tracking in the sense that, it provides many more ways to collect and analyze ecommerce data. It is like ecommerce tracking on steroids.

What is the difference between standard ecommerce and enhanced ecommerce in Google Analytics?

The main differences between standard and enhanced ecommerce tracking in GA are:

– Enhanced ecommerce provides twice as many reports as traditional ecommerce
– Enhanced ecommerce uses a different plugin
– Enhanced ecommerce can be implemented only when you use Universal Analytics
– Through enhanced e-commerce, you can capture more ecommerce data

What version of Google Analytics do you need to set up enhanced ecommerce tracking?

You can set up traditional ecommerce tracking, whether you are using ga.js or analytics.js JavaScript library (aka Universal Analytics).

But to set up enhanced ecommerce tracking, you have to use Universal Analytics. You can not set up enhanced ecommerce tracking if you are currently using ga.js. You first need to migrate your account to Universal Analytics.

How do I implement enhanced ecommerce tracking?

There are two ways to implement enhanced ecommerce on a website:
– Datalayer method
– Custom JavaScript method

The recommended method is the Datalayer method; all the product variables are loaded in Datalayer object and called whenever any ecommerce event happens on the website. 

If the website does not support Datalayer, we can pass the ecommerce event using a jQuery script as the event happens.

  1. Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking Tutorial
  2. Set up Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics
  3. Using Enhanced Ecommerce segments for Remarketing in Google Analytics
  4. Using Cohort Analysis & Enhanced Ecommerce to Understand User Behavior
  5. Duplicate Transactions (orders) in Google Analytics
  6. Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking via Google Tag Manager
  7. Ecommerce Tracking Google Tag Manager (GTM) – Tutorial
  8. Shopify Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking in Google Analytics – Tutorial
  9. GA4 (Google Analytics 4) Ecommerce Tracking via GTM – Tutorial
  10. Why Google Analytics and Shopping Cart Sales data don’t match and how to fix it
  11. How to remove / modify Google Analytics ecommerce transaction in one click
  12. Tracking Google Analytics Paypal Referral and other payment gateways
  13. Subscription & Recurring Revenue Analytics in Google Analytics
  14. Understanding Google Analytics Product Data Import
  15. Shopping Cart Analytics Tutorial
  16. Learn To Read E-Commerce Reports In Google Analytics
  17. Dealing with Google Analytics Refund – Reverse Transaction
  18. How to reverse transaction in Google Analytics for gtag.js and analytics.js
  19. How to Fix Missing Ecommerce Data in Google Analytics

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About the Author

Himanshu Sharma

  • Founder, OptimizeSmart.com
  • Over 15 years of experience in digital analytics and marketing
  • Author of four best-selling books on digital analytics and conversion optimization
  • Nominated for Digital Analytics Association Awards for Excellence
  • Runs one of the most popular blogs in the world on digital analytics
  • Consultant to countless small and big businesses over the decade