Bump to baby in under a minute! Clever couple's time lapse video shows her pregnant tummy growing as she sucks in air from a balloon

  • Matan and Shani Maivar Tamarkin made an adorable stop motion video
  • The short film shows a timelapse of Mrs Tamarkin's pregnancy
  • She sucks in the air from a large balloon as her stomach grows
  • At the end the couple pose with their new baby 

How is this for creative - a couple has shared an adorable video documenting their pregnancy using stop-motion animation. 

Shani Maivar Tamarkin, and her husband Matan Tamarkin, made the video using photos taken during her pregnancy and just after. The pictures show her belly growing larger with each day as she sucks in air from a balloon.

The couple uploaded the clever video - titled 'Tale of Nine Months' - to YouTube in March. 

Cute: Shani Maivar Tamarkin (above) and her husband Matan Tamarkin have made a stop-motion video of Mrs Tamarkin's pregnancy

Cute: Shani Maivar Tamarkin (above) and her husband Matan Tamarkin have made a stop-motion video of Mrs Tamarkin's pregnancy

Breathe: In the video Mr Tamarkin blows up a large balloon and hands it to Mrs Tamarkin

Breathe: In the video Mr Tamarkin blows up a large balloon and hands it to Mrs Tamarkin

At the start of the clip, Mr Tamarkin takes a deflated balloon and slowly blows it up whilst Mrs Tamarkin stands in the background. 

They kiss, and he hands her the inflated balloon. Mrs Tamarkin then turns so she is side on to the camera.

She slowly inhales the air in the balloon as her belly grows with each month of pregnancy.

Getting bigger: Mr Tamarkin hands the balloon to his wife, who starts sucking in the air as her belly grows

Getting bigger: Mr Tamarkin hands the balloon to his wife, who starts sucking in the air as her belly grows

Out and about: Most of the stills were shot in the couple's home, but some were from outside

Out and about: Most of the stills were shot in the couple's home, but some were from outside

Pet puppy: The couple's dog, Shemtov, also makes a guest appearance in the video quite a few times

Pet puppy: The couple's dog, Shemtov, also makes a guest appearance in the video quite a few times

Although the video starts in the couple's home, as Mrs Tamarkin's stomach grows larger she is seen in various locations including a number of parks.

The couple's dog, Shemtov, also makes a guest appearance in the video, at times looking up quizzically at Mrs Tamarkin.

Animations in the background of the video show how many weeks along in the pregnancy she is.

Getting bigger: Little animations in the video show many many weeks along Mrs Tamarkin is in each still

Getting bigger: Little animations in the video show many many weeks along Mrs Tamarkin is in each still

Ready, set: At 40 weeks, Mr Tamarkin appears and shoots a novelty arrow at his wife's stomach

Ready, set: At 40 weeks, Mr Tamarkin appears and shoots a novelty arrow at his wife's stomach

New addition: The video ends with the couple holding their new baby, Yonatan

New addition: The video ends with the couple holding their new baby, Yonatan

As the pregnancy reaches 40 weeks, Mr Tamarkin appears again, this time with a novelty bow and arrow. 

He shoots a fake arrow at Mrs Tamarkin's belly. It sticks, and then a baby appears in her arms. The couple, who named their son Yonatan, then smile for the camera in the cute video. 

The short clip, which only runs for 48 seconds, has been on hit on YouTube with more than 50,000 views.  




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