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Why Microsoft Says Windows 10 Upgrades Cannot Be Stopped

Updated Dec 30, 2015, 10:24am EST
This article is more than 8 years old.

If you use Windows 7 or Windows 8 then chances are you will have noticed something rather strange and annoying is happening. Microsoft is rolling out software changes which are making it increasingly difficult for mainstream users to avoid upgrading to Windows 10 - and this is why...

The Misleading Upgrade

Along with a trio of nasty changes, the one which has caught users most off guard is a simple and highly misleading change to the language surrounding Windows 10 upgrades. In effect Microsoft is now telling Windows 7 and Windows 8 users that they have to upgrade and it cannot be stopped.

Whereas previous ‘Get Windows 10’ pop-ups in Windows 7 and Windows 8 gave users two options: ‘Upgrade now’ or ‘Start download, upgrade later’ (not exactly championing choice) now the options read: 'Upgrade now' or 'Upgrade tonight'. 

In fact some users are even seeing this latter option disappear and all they get is: 'Upgrade now'. What the hell?

Of course experienced users will know they can still dismiss the prompt without selecting either option by instead clicking the ‘X’ in the top right corner of the window, but these are tactics more reminiscent of malware than a leading technology company. Microsoft selling its users a lie and this is why...

Nothing And Everything To Lose

To understand why Microsoft has embarked upon such an aggressive update strategy you need to realise the importance of Windows 10 to the company’s entire future. In short: everything depends on it.

For all intents and purposes, right now Windows 10 is Microsoft. The operating system is Microsoft’s hail mary at revitalising the struggling PC sector, its troubled mobile devices (Surface is the bright spark here) and even in gaining greater parity in the gaming sector as Windows 10 has become the heart of the Xbox One in an attempt to increase functionality and close the sales gap on the PS4.

But this is just the start because all these factors have knock-on effects. If Microsoft gets Windows 10 onto a billion PCs then it piques the interest of app developers and the operating system has ‘universal apps’ which can then be used on Windows 10 smartphones and tablets therefore increasing their appeal as well. Ditto the Xbox One. There’s potentially a whole work/play/mobile ecosystem to rival anyone - but for it to work and crucially for it to work as fast as Microsoft wants,  it has to be forcibly kickstarted.

Of course the counterargument is: will Microsoft will scare away more customers than it gains through this aggressive update behaviour?  And that’s not even touching upon Windows 10’s questionable privacy issues.

In short: I don’t think so. The reason for this (like it or not) is Windows users are essentially a captive audience. After all Windows 7 and Windows 8 users can voice their displeasure as much as they like at these upgrade tactics (and many are), but what are they going to do about it? The experienced may switch to a Linux variant and learn how it works while those with the cash to afford it might migrate to Apple and buy all new hardware and software, but for most these simply aren’t credible options.

As such Microsoft can essentially do what it likes. The vast majority of its user base will stay put regardless of what the company does and however devious it becomes in forcing/tricking users to upgrade. Moreover Windows 10 is actually a good (if Orwellian) operating system and I’m sure the company believes that those fighting the switch will calm down once they experience the upgrades Microsoft has made.

It’s the Apple principle. Steve Jobs famously said: “people don't know what they want until you show it to them” and you can remove Choice if you are confident enough your customers will be happy after being forcibly moved along. After which time Microsoft can kickoff its multi-layered strategy of reinvigorating the PC and Xbox One, stirring interest in the hybrid computers Windows 10 accommodates and exciting developers to plug the well publicised app gaps in Windows smartphones to get them moving again too.

Consequently the short answer to why Microsoft is taking such an extreme path in forcing Windows 10 upon its users all boils down to this: because it can.


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