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Newbies stand no chance in SEO these days, trust me!

Discussion in 'Search Engine Optimization' started by Kyle Hicks, Apr 30, 2016.

  1. #1
    After doing SEO for many years, I realized that with latest Google updates, newbies stand no chance to get any type of valuable and converting traffic in Google. No matter how hard you try, buy old domain name, create amazing site with full of valuable content, you will not be able to "outgun" web sites that are around since early days. They got more budget and even if you have more money, their authority is a lot more valuable to Google than any new web site that's trying to compete. No matter what you do, it's not going to become a reality. At most, for any given money keyword, you will be able to get to top 30 and moving up will be like hitting a "brick" wall. Top 10 share 99% of the traffic and only 1% of people who are searching for money keywords, will go to 2nd page and you don't want that 1%.

    I am not pulling this out of nothing... This is not a joke. It is 7 digits revenue. Check this out:


    There a lot of scammers promising you this and that, do not waste your money. Do not try to build links, social signals, it is all waste of your time, effort and money. If you still want to continue with your site after what I mentioned to you, go ahead and waste your time and money.... Good luck!

    Starting 2016 and on, the only solution is long tail keywords. You need a forum for that. Without a forum and massive following in your forum you can say bye bye to anything that you trying to do on the web. If you are selling products, the only way for you to do that is eBay or Amazon, where you make pennies. If you are in any kind of affiliate program, without a forum you are history.

    Why forums. Forums are indexed differently in Google compare to ordinary web sites. When you show up with forum links in Google, it's not just single link, you get to show about 5-7 links below main URL for many matching keywords.

    Why long tail keywords - first of all, there no way to predict and optimize for long tail keywords. Sure, there suggestions bla bla, but at the same time, these keywords are shifting month after month. Unless these topics are discussed naturally by your members, there is no way to determine what will be trendy next month. Believe it or not, 50% of long tail keywords are not optimized by anybody and it's free traffic if you do that.

    So the answer is forum and you need to make this forum active. Without "unattended content delivery" services for your forum, your site will be "dead". Nobody will ever visit your site and post anything in it. If you think otherwise, I want to see your site in the year from now [​IMG].

    To see example of what forum links look like in Google, go and search for example "digital point forum advice" - you will see how digital point forum shows up with bunch of links on page one. You can get your forum to show up like that for many long tail keywords within 2 months at most....
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    Kyle Hicks, Apr 30, 2016 IP
  2. Frost1

    Frost1 Well-Known Member

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    Are you referring to new websites or people like the queen of England who can't even manage her social media profile?

    If you're talking about new websites, that's funny because just the other day I opened a website and one article raked in over 5,000 unique visitors each day.

    The reason people fail is, they look at someone and think they can do the same. Even if someone doesn't know jack about medicine, just because they heard it's the topic with the big bucks by slapping on some Adsense tags, they're likely to register a domain, get some hosting and re-write someone's content believing they can make a quick dollar too.

    What will benefit you is if you write about a topic you know about, have a lot of experience with it and enjoy talking about it. That way you can publish information people may be looking for that has not been published elsewhere. Then you can monetize that traffic using various methods.

    Forums are meant to engage your readers in discussions for them to keep coming back and talk. The sole reason of them returning means they aren't likely to buy something today, but tomorrow they might. Not because of some link bullcrap in Google, sorry. Some websites allow you to sign up for newsletters to keep you updated about the site's information and also include promos to make money. That's an alternative way for them to keep in touch with their readers and still advertise products to them.

    Some popular web hosting companies (as an example, plus forums are not meant for every single website) do NOT have a forum but does that mean they're automatically failures? The only reason you see those links stacked like how they are on Google is because forums generally have multiple discussions that are similar to a specific topic, which is helpful to searchers to find content related to that topic if they couldn't find it from page Y on the domain.
    Frost1, Apr 30, 2016 IP
    malky66 and sarahk like this.
  3. Kyle Hicks

    Kyle Hicks Active Member

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    :) Well new web sites stand no chance. I am talking about converting traffic - money keywords. I mean, I can get useless traffic all day long. My idea of traffic is conversion rate, how much money I am going to make per minute, hour, day, week and so on. My point was about "buy" keywords. Web sites that are not in top 30 today, stand no chance of any success... Believe me I learned the hard way...

    Point about medicine, I totally agree with you 100%. No chance. Spun software generates better content compare to some of the "content writers".... You need to be an expert and really know what you are talking about.

    I really believe in forums, simply because I see sites that host forums do extremely well for long tail keywords. Low budget and a lot of natural pages getting indexed in Google if you hosting a forum. That's how you can get authority and spend less money compare to writing blogs on your own, paying what between $10 for low quality page and all the way to $100 per page, compare to few cents here and there. I mean if you got 100K budget or so, sure you can spend all that money on generating blog posts, but still, you spending money on content. Why not pay few cents to some of the "unattended content delivery" companies writers out there to generate this content for you for pennies, literally. At the end, you will get massive following from potential buyers for a lot less compare to generating blog posts on your own. You got potential clients attention, they can socialize with one another on your forum and you got their contact info. I mean, it depends on the product and service, but for majority of categories forum works well. Long tails is the only way to get around monopolized top 10 positions, get massive following and actually sell and make money.

    I agree with you, some companies do not have forums and do really well. They still put up content and they still have a lot of pages indexed in Google. Forum is more of a solution for someone new or someone who's been around for a while and having hard time competing. But imagine if these hosting companies you are talking about put up a forum, how much more money they will be making.... Just look at bodybuilding.com and their massive monopoly. They are the site to go for advise and chat with people. They no longer relying on Google for anything. They are the supplements site, they are the experts in fitness. Guess what got them to this place - forum...

    In my opinion, "Google is trowing the towel" day by day on search... I don't know why they decided to do what they do, but I see the end of days for Google... What I would focus now on is try to get similar concept as Bodybuilding.com did. I want people to go for expert opinion to my forum instead of Google. That's what I would do.... I mean sure, there is room for Google organic traffic and right now is the best time to get started with forum, it is not 2 late.... Few years from now if you don't have a forum, if you don't have following from potential buyers, you will not see a penny from search engines traffic.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    Kyle Hicks, Apr 30, 2016 IP
  4. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    Your comparison is of Apples, Oranges, and Plums...

    Apples = the sites that have been around for ages, they may or may not be
    making tons of money, and I suppose they have earned their status....

    Oranges = new sites or recent sites, and you compare them to aged sites, which is no comparison.
    you can still setup a niche site, and if pick the right niche, then it can start to produce in several months...
    Will it bring the same cash flow as apple sites? no, I do not need the income of an apple site to pay some bills.

    plums = In my opinion, forums are much harder to get started, simply because you expect the same traffic to
    come back, over and over, to discuss this, discuss that, and you are right, you can include LSI keywords in forums,
    however, for niche sites, you are hoping to catch traffic that is just coming through, not expect them to return again....

    and you are right, sites that have been around for ages, and have been active, or brand name have
    status over keywords that you will never be able to rank for, ok, and? Use less common keywords...
    you still can get less popular keywords with lower traffic, and still make money if you have done it right...

    Sites like amazon do pay pennies on the dollar, why, simply because their commissions are so low, and a new
    site will produce pennies on the dollar, however, over several months, and as you gain more, and more
    ranking, then your traffic will increase, then your amazon income will increase also, I have heard many
    times where amazon sites start off making nothing, then creep up to $25/mo, then $50/mo, then $200/mo, and so on...

    I have never heard of a forum these days succeeding in as little as 2 months, even with LSI content,
    you still need backlinks in order to get that momentum going, this isnt the 2000s anymore, and I suspect
    that you will have a higher failure rate in sitting up a forum compared to setting up a niche site, and even
    then, I expect that it will take a few months to couple years before your niche site really takes off, and I
    have often heard 3-5 years is not uncommon either for a site to get rooted; so it does in-deed take time...

    It is far easier to get niche traffic to pass through your site.
    Is is far more difficult to get people to your forum to participate...

    You remind me of those that setup some content, then get disappointed
    when your site is not making money within 30 min. I may never make the big
    money as some of those amazon affiliates, however, I dont have too...

    If you want to get rich overnight; Win the lottery...
    after all, you are comparing the rich to the poor....
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2016
    dscurlock, Apr 30, 2016 IP
    sarahk and Nigel Lew like this.
  5. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    If I had a penny for every webmaster forum that has turned up in our site reviews section with a structure copying this one I'd be rich.

    Successful forums succeed because there's an untapped niche market or a problem with existing offerings.

    dp got it's start because, back in the days of dial-up, a very popular forum called seochat got sold and the new owners loaded it up with ads and frequently the site couldn't load. Shawn decided to create an alternative and because we knew him we checked out what he'd setup and here we still are 12 years later.

    There's another site called propertytalk which focusses mainly on NZ property investment. There was nothing much like it at the time and certainly not with local issues being addressed. I doubt the forum owners have made their millions but it's spawned other business interests. The guys who have done well are the handful of users who have promoted their services on that forum and earned tens of thousands per month - but because they came to the forum other users did too. If those guys had decided to create their own forum propertytalk would probably have suffered - and they'd have eventually dropped their forum because it would have been too biased.

    So consider what you are actually able to do and what you want to achieve. Owning a forum might not be in your best interest if you can just exploit the opportunities at an existing forum.
    sarahk, Apr 30, 2016 IP
  6. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    Banned ... how many different forums have you been banned from now??? go figure...
    Agent000, Apr 30, 2016 IP
  7. dscurlock

    dscurlock Prominent Member

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    I really do not know what to make of his post...
    was he re-inventing the forum, while spamming at the same time?
    I am spamming by re-inventing the forum concept....
    dscurlock, Apr 30, 2016 IP
  8. Agent000

    Agent000 Prominent Member

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    Agent000, Apr 30, 2016 IP
    Nigel Lew likes this.
  9. Nigel Lew

    Nigel Lew Notable Member

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    Heh. I was too tired last night to explain to this fellow that he doesn't seem to understand how stuff works these days in the first place.
    Nigel Lew, May 1, 2016 IP
  10. sarahk

    sarahk iTamer Staff

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    You can probably count yourself amongst the crowd promising this and that.
    I don't know if you're a scammer but you are most certainly dishonest. I'm surprised you've tainted Contenvania so enthusiastically.
    sarahk, May 1, 2016 IP
    malky66 likes this.
  11. Pillai.G

    Pillai.G Well-Known Member

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    The OP was a joker...
    Pillai.G, May 1, 2016 IP