A year long project comes to an end.

This is the result for my attempt at showing the four seasons of Melbourne. By complete chance I decided to choose the location of the royal exhibition building as it looked easy enough to duplicate the shot (being symmetrical and other mathematics and junk).

I shot this over 10 months (March, July, October, January). Luckily Melbourne really showed off the extreme of each seasons. (For those who don’t know, Melbourne is known to experience all weathers in one day). 

The final scene of the scrolling frames took quite a lot of planning/maths involved. Each season shows only 25% of the photo and scrolls left and starts again on the right. This forced me to create several time lines (approx. 8). I made the mistake of importing all my timelapses in JPEG sequences and then having 8 time lines…do not ask how long it took to render this…

The only big error I may have made during this process was capturing three seasons using a Nikon D90 and then one season using a Nikon D610. It made it very difficult to align the photos correctly.

This video has given me a lot of inspiration to try more of these seasonal timelapses and day/night timelapses.