There are many dogs in rescues and shelters that are in desperate need of a happy and healthy home. If you have your heart set on a specific type of dog, you can even look for a breed-specific rescue organization that specializes in placing this type of dog in new homes. Choosing to adopt a dog from a breed-specific rescue can be rewarding, but you will need to begin by doing some research to find a breed that's right for you and a rescue organization in your area that specializes in that breed. Then you will need to find a specific dog that is right for you and apply to adopt it before you can bring your new dog home.[1]

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Picking a Breed and a Rescue Organization

  1. This is easily accomplished by reading about the breed in books that your find at your local library or on dog breed related websites. Do a web search for the breeds you are considering and read all the information you can find that comes from good sources.
    • If you have no idea what breed you want, you will need to do a little preliminary work to narrow down your choices. Go to websites devoted to describing dog breeds and pick some that you think would be compatible with your lifestyle and your living conditions.
  2. Ask questions and think about the answers you want to hear in relation to your lifestyle, income, and physical activity level.[2]
    • For example, a high energy dog probably won't like living with a "couch potato" human. If you love to spend your days on the couch and your friend tells you that the dog breed you are considering has tons of energy, then you should probably consider a different breed.
  3. A breed-specific rescue is usually a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which fosters rescued dogs in the member's own homes. The dogs are accepted from shelters, turned in by owners, or found as strays.[3] Once you decide what type of dog you want, you will need to find one of these rescue organizations in your area that specializes in rescuing that type of dog.
    • Do a web search for the words "dog rescue," your city or state, and the breed you are looking for. You can also look at the websites of national dog organizations for lists of breed-specific rescues in your area.[4]
    • If there are several breed-specific rescues you are interested in then you will simply have more dogs to choose from.
    • Breed-specific rescues are usually smaller than other rescue organization and they only take on dog's with specific breed characteristics.[5]
    • Adopting from a local rescue makes it easier to meet the dog ahead of time.
  4. Once you identify the organizations in your area that rescue the breed that you want to adopt, look through the organization's website to understand what they do and what their policies are. If you think that the organization seems good after looking over all of their information, you should contact them.[6]
    • Many rescue organizations do temperament testing, necessary vet care, neutering, and training on their rescues before they are put up for adoption.
    • Most rescues charge a fee to adopt their dogs to defray the costs involved and to ensure a commitment from the adopting family. Although the prices may seem high, most rescues do not even financially break even on this process.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Applying for and Adopting a Dog

  1. Look at all of the dogs listed on the rescue sites and find any that seem like a good fit for you and your family. If there are several that you think might be great, make a list of them so that you will remember them.
    • If you have several options for dogs, you will need to decide which one suits you best. Make a pros and cons list, figure out what dog is the most in need, or just pick whatever one you are most drawn to. That is the dog that you will apply to adopt first.
    • If you don't find a dog you are interested in right away, keep checking back on the organization's websites. Most get new dogs regularly, so your new dog may pop up online at another point in time.[7]
  2. Once you find the listing for a dog you are interested in you will need to apply to adopt it. Rescue organizations normally have an application process that includes an extensive application form, as well as checking references, including your current veterinarian. They are interested in finding the best home they can for the dogs that they are fostering.[8]
    • Applying to adopt the dog is usually done before you meet it so that there is no time wasted on meeting dogs that you will not be allowed to adopt.
    • Keep in mind that submitting an application does guarantee that you'll be accepted. Make sure that you understand what's expected of you before you apply.
  3. Do not expect to adopt the same day you apply. It may take some time, as the members will try to match a dog with your family and situation. Since most rescues are 100% run by volunteers, when a rescue organization is contacted, it may take a little while for an answer.[9]
    • The volunteers give their own time and money to keep the rescue going. They have lives outside of the organization. Adopters should not expect rescuers to leave their job in the middle of the day to adopt out a dog. Be reasonable.
  4. Once you are accepted as a potential adopter, you will make an appointment to meet the dog. This could be done at a neutral location, such as a dog park, or at the home that the dog is being fostered in.
    • Spend some time with the dog and see how you respond to it and how it responds to you. This is your chance to really get a feel for the pup. Assess its personality and if that personality is what you have been looking for.[10] Getting to know the dog and determining if it's an appropriate fit for you and your family is a critical step to ensuring a successful future with your furry friend.
    • After you meet the dog you will need to decide whether you want to adopt it. You can decide then and there yes or no or you can take some time to decide.
  5. Expect to sign a legally-binding contract and pay a fee before getting your dog. The fee helps cover the cost of fostering the dog and getting it spayed or neutered before you adopted it.[11] A reputable rescue will always have you sign a contract which specifies your rights and responsibilities to the rescue and the dog.
    • A rescue will retain the right to remove the dog from you if you do not meet certain standards in regard to general care, feeding, and vet care. Also, they will usually require you to return the dog to the organization if you have to give it up for any reason.
    • Don't be afraid to ask the volunteers and foster dog's family any questions about the dog or the breed. They will be more than willing to make you familiar with the dog since they are doing this to find the dog a "forever home" rather than trying to find you a pet.
  6. Keep in mind your dog may be nervous and confused. Your dog may have temporary issues with house training or may have received mixed messages from their previous owner — they may react strangely or fearfully to certain commands or when they see objects like newspaper, sticks, shoes, or other objects. Your dog may not have been socialized, either, so they may not know how to walk politely or interact well with other dogs. It is essential that you are calm, patient, and understanding with your dog, especially during the first few weeks. Your dog's true personality may not even emerge until they begin to feel comfortable in their new home.[12]
    • It may take weeks before a rescue dog begins to relax around you and your family. Limit exciting in the first few weeks, such as trips to the dog park, and instead focus on helping your dog feel safe in your home and learning what they like, dislike, and what frightens them.
    • Any training or behavior issues can be brought to the attention of the shelter or your vet and they can help you connect with a trainer who uses positive reinforcement. Work with the trainer to help teach your dog good habits and that training is not something to be feared.
    • Some rescue dogs may come with "baggage." For instance some dogs will not do well with other dogs, some don't like men, or have other fears, and some are special needs dogs that have medical problems. Recognize this as a possibility, but don't let it stop you from adopting from a rescue organization.

Expert Q&A

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    What are the first things to do when adopting a dog?
    Amanda Marshall-Polimeni
    Amanda Marshall-Polimeni
    Dog Behavior Consultant
    Amanda Marshall-Polimeni is a Dog Behavior Consultant and the Owner/Founder of FurryTales in New Jersey. With a deep understanding of behavioral learning theories and a passion for the physical and psychological well-being of animals, Amanda specializes in using non-coercive, reinforcement-based approaches to generate desired behaviors. Amanda holds a BASc in Applied Psychology from NYU and is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) and Certified Behavior Consultant Canine (CBCC-KA). She has also completed a Master’s Course in Aggressive Dog Training. Her initiative and dedication to quality, comprehensive animal care at FurryTales led to her recognition by Grow by Acorns + CNBC.
    Amanda Marshall-Polimeni
    Dog Behavior Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Research and meet with the rescue first. It's worth having a conversation with one of the agency's associates to learn more about their selection and due diligence process. It's also important know the rescue's mission and values—this will govern their philosophies in how they care for an animal, which ultimately has an impact on their development and upbringing. Most organizations should be using non-coercive, force-free, and humane methods to care for and train their dogs.
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  • Always research the rescue beforehand make sure you know their mission and values. Beware of any rescue organization that will adopt to you without an application or immediately on-site. Reputable rescues always screen adopters for potential problems.
  • If for any reason you have problems with or can't keep a dog you have adopted from rescue, always contact the rescue for help or to relinquish it back to the rescue.
  • Rescue organizations are not stud farms and are not in the business of providing breeding stock. All reputable rescue organizations will insist on having the animal spayed/neutered (often referred to as "altered") and most will not even release a dog until it has already been altered.

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Co-authors: 17
Updated: February 17, 2023
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Article SummaryX

To adopt a dog from a breed rescue, start by searching online for local rescue centers for the breed you want. Then, look through the individual dogs they have for sale to find one that suits you. Usually, you won't be allowed to see the dog until your application has been accepted, but you'll get a chance for this later in the process. Once you’ve found a dog you like, fill in the online application form, including references and your vet's information, and wait for a response. If you’re accepted as a potential adopter, you can arrange to meet your dog at the rescue center or a neutral location, like a dog park. Expect to sign a contract and pay a fee before you’re free to take your new dog home. For more tips, including how to make your adopted dog feel comfortable when you bring it home, read on!

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