This week President Obama announced what many are calling the United States' strongest actions yet on climate. The Clean Power Plan will be hailed by some and vilified by others. As the newest contributor to Forbes, I will periodically write about weather and climate. I decided to use the announcement to provide my "ground rules" on talking about climate change. I find it necessary because unless you have been living under the "proverbial rock", you know that climate change can be a "tad" contentious even though the overwhelming body of scientific literature is not. So, here are my 5 ground rules:
I weigh in on the science not the politics: I do not plan to speak on the Clean Power Plan from the political perspective, but I will point out that solutions to climate change will likely involve some mix of mitigation and adaptation strategies, defined nicely in this discussion by Penn State University's Meteorology Department. It is important as a scientist, irrespective of belief, to be as objective as possible and steer clear of overtly political, advocacy, or activist stances. Climate change is real and is a combination of anthropogenic and natural processes. However, I find that the economics of the solution are generally the root of much of the dissension. Noted author Upton Sinclair once said,
It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.
Paraphrasing retired Navy Admiral David Titley,
Climate doesn't care if you are conservative or liberal.
President George Bush's Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson recently wrote a brilliant essay on the economics of climate change. Other conservatives like Bob Inglis, Lindsey Graham, and Christie Todd Whitman have also weighed in. The point, herein, is that it's not a left or right issue.
I will entertain reasonable dissenting viewpoints but not mean-spiritedness: One of the most baffling aspects of climate change discussion is the mean-spiritedness and vitriol. I don't get it. As a scientist, we are trained to dissent and present counter-positions. And believe it or not, the science should always be questioned. However, it should be questioned through the rigors of peer-review. We must be careful to differentiate between "opinion" and scientific facts. I could certainly write about heart transplants in a blog, OpEd or Tweet (and even sign it Dr. Shepherd to give it credibility). The problem is that I have no formal training or research in the topic and have no belief that my opinion trumps colleagues in the medical field.
I am open to a dissenting voice if it is respectful. I am also collegial and have personal relationships with scientists that may appear on opposite sides of the debate (e.g., Michael Mann, Judith Curry, Roger Pielke Sr., Michael Oppenheimer, and so on). I can completely disagree with one of these colleagues but still have a nice dinner with them.
I am not a fan of 1-event attribution: Believe it or not, there is no way I could have gotten a BS, MS, and PhD in physical meteorology from one of the top programs in the nation without knowing that climate changes naturally. I commonly get this statement right after the "Do you believe in climate change?" question. Home run statistics varied naturally in Major League Baseball as well, but during the steroid era, there was a "signal" on top of the natural variability. Likewise, I can't identify which home run in a player's career were "caused" by steroids, but it is likely that the statistics were affected by them. I believe we must look at weather extremes the same way. Dr. John Knox and I wrote on this very topic after Hurricane Sandy. Climate attribution studies are important and starting to mature. We know much more about heat wave linkages to climate change than tornadic storms, for example so be careful when saying something "is" or "isn't" caused by climate change.
I try to increase climate literacy: You won't agree with everything I write, but I assure you that it will be anchored in the scientific literature rather than innuendo, ideology, or opinion. The greatest hurdle for many is simply lack of climate or scientific literacy. A Tweet during a snowstorm saying, "Hey Dr. Shepherd, I have 20 inches of global warming in my yard" is cute but simply illustrates a fundamental lack of understanding of "weather" vs "climate". I often say,
Weather is your mood, Climate is your personality...
Another example is when someone sends me their analysis of climate data, but it is clear within seconds appropriate methods were not used and that they have not taken a class on time series analysis, objective analysis, or statistical testing. Climate analysis is more than downloading data and plotting it. For these reasons, I seek to provide a forum to educate on the science and provide resources.
I warn about readers to beware of the Zombie Theories: Zombie theories are those things that you hear in social media, blogs, and media outlets that have long been refuted by the peer reviewed scientific literature yet live on like zombies. I highly recommend this link if you want good science-based explanations of many of the myths that you will undoubtedly hear this week. And trust me, by now, I've heard them all.
As the Clean Power Plan rolls out this week, it was a good opportunity to lay down some perspective as I write on this topic going forward.