'Palestinian teen murdered Dafna Meir in Otniel stabbing, then watched a movie'
16-year-old from West Bank village of Beit Amra indicted for deadly attack that killed the 38-year-old nurse and mother of six.
By JPOST.COM STAFFUpdated: FEBRUARY 23, 2016 01:15Dafna Meir (photo credit: Courtesy)
The 16-year-old Palestinian terrorist who is accused of murdering a Jewish mother of six in a stabbing attack in her home in the Otniel settlement in January was indicted on Monday in an Israeli military court.The indictment specifies that the attacker who killed Dafna Meir on January 17 returned to his home in the nearby Palestinian village of Beit Amra shortly after the stabbing, and watched a movie with his family.The teen watched Palestinian television broadcasts that incited against Israel and said Israel was “killing young Palestinians” before he allegedly committed the crime, according to the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency).He was arrested two days after the January 17 murder in Otniel, confessing to the crime during an interrogation, according to the Shin Bet.According to Channel 2, the indictment said the attacker had armed himself with carving knifes before heading to Otniel. Upon arrival in the West Bank settlement, the indictment said that he approached the Meir family home where he hid in bushes outside. From a distance he watched the 38-year-old nurse and her children inside their home.The terrorist then attacked Meir and began stabbing her in the upper body in front of one of her children, the indictment stated. Despite Meir’s attempts to ward off the attacker, he was able to overcome her and repeatedly stab her. Afterward, the assailant fled the scene while Meir lay dying.Meanwhile, emergency workers were called to the house and determined Meir’s death.The formal accusation filed Monday also detailed the 16-year-old terrorist’s actions following the attack, in which he arrived home, noticed blood on his left hand and washed it off. Afterward, he reportedly sat down with his family and watched a movie.The stabbing marked the first time Palestinian terrorists have executed a fatal attack inside a settlement since March 2011 when five members of the Fogel family were stabbed to death in their home in Itamar.