Why Riley Curry Is the Best Thing to Ever Happen to Sports
To say that I don't care about sports is an understatement. I stare begrudgingly at my NFL- or NBA-laden television every time a game is on, counting down the seconds until I can turn it back to something that's at least in a language I can understand. It's not that I have a hatred of sports, just straight-up indifference — it's like staring at a blank screen. "Who's the red team again?" and "Wait, what is a safety again? . . . Actually, don't answer that" are just a couple of the things you might hear me say while I endure yet another televised competition among ball-throwing men in tight clothes. This has always been the case for me, even in spite of growing up in a sports-filled household and attending a college known for its basketball program (nope, I didn't even use my free ticket to any UNC vs. Duke game . . . but go Heels, I guess!).
This year, though, things were different because someone changed the game for me: Riley Curry. I won't forget the first night that Stephen Curry's hilarious, impossibly adorable 3-year-old daughter upstaged his post-Warriors-game chat on ESPN when she interrupted his speech. "Did you guys see the Warriors game last night?" co-workers chatted the next day. "No, but did you guys see what happened after?!" I said as I excitedly joined in on a #sports conversation for the first time. Let's talk about six reasons 2015 was the year that Riley Curry made me almost — almost! — want to watch sports.
I look forward to the Warriors winning, not because I care, but because of photo ops like this.
I mean, is there a better example of #familygoals out there?!
Another reason to look forward to Warriors wins: these priceless moments.
Time and time again this year, Riley interrupted Steph Curry's press talks in the cutest way possible.
Riley can hang with other NBA players — and totally upstage their dance moves.
If more basketball games mean more opportunities for Riley's "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" moves, give me season tickets.
Riley steals the show at any parade.
It's never been so easy to be interested in a celebratory sports parade.
Watching Warriors games means you get to see the cutest moments ever.
Are we winning? Actually, wait — is Riley in the crowd? Woohoo!
The best part? There's ANOTHER Curry baby.
Here's to hoping 2016 is filled with even more of Riley's — and her sister Ryan's — adorable antics. Go team!