They Found These Strange Pipes In The Woods, But What Was Lurking Below... OMG!

June 2, 2014

So when visiting an old friend in Northern Germany he told me about these weird periscope-like pipes in the woods. They often played there as kids but never were allowed to get near them.

We decided to check them out...

creepy underground bunker

The entrance was covered with a wooden lid. We had to remove it with a crowbar.

creepy underground bunker

The lock was broken on the iron door you can see in the photo below, so we knew we couldn't get trapped inside. We hoped...

creepy underground bunker

At first there was nothing but endless, hospital like hallways. The acoustics were haunting.

creepy underground bunker

creepy underground bunker

Junctions like this occurred several times, but we decided to keep straight ahead in order to not get lost. The holes in the wall on the right appeared to be punched with a hammer...

creepy underground bunker

The first dead end. The narrow hole here was filled with dirty water.

creepy underground bunker

A little later, at the second intersection, we found what seemed like a clogged entrance covered in graffiti.

creepy underground bunker

The hallway, as we found out, wasn't straight at all. It had several slight turns, expiring to a long one to the left. Plus more random punches in the wall.

creepy underground bunker

At this point we both were uncertain, if we should proceed or get the hell out of there.

creepy underground bunker

Graffiti on the ways say "DIE" and the other translates to "HELP". The peace sign on the ceiling didn't really make up for them.

creepy underground bunker

This big yellow door came out of nowhere. We were expecting (yet hoping) for an exit or another dead end. Further on we found several of them, torn out with force as it seemed. We had no clue how a single person, or even a few people, would be able to open these heavy "bank vault" doors.

creepy underground bunker

creepy underground bunker

We think these are the pipes that are peering out of the ground.

creepy underground bunker

After passing a lot - and I mean A LOT - of those heavy safe doors ripped off their hinges, another sign of human life appeared right in front of us. At this point the rooms seemed more and more wasted, as you can see the decayed walls.

creepy underground bunker

The graffiti clearly reads "Hello Satan, I love you". Not something you wanna read down there. The smell at this point turned out to be really bad too.

creepy underground bunker

creepy underground bunker

We continued on...

creepy underground bunker

We came across this flooded area that was set a single step below the prior rooms. We only stuck our heads in taking some pictures. There appears to be a ladder leading to another floor in the distance.

creepy underground bunker

A bigger room was also flooded.

creepy underground bunker

This was the first time I literally panicked. I thought there was a crouched man in this pile and I screamed nearly knocking over my friend.

creepy underground bunker

creepy underground bunker

This was the biggest room by far, but only visible through little holes in the walls. So we put a camera through and took this shot of a big machine.

creepy underground bunker

Another angle.

creepy underground bunker

Random gloves. Hmmm...

creepy underground bunker

Also a random shoe stuck in the mud.

creepy underground bunker

We think this sign says "stay back" but not positive...

creepy underground bunker

On the ceiling there were these strange "icicles", most likely some mineral phenomenon.

creepy underground bunker

The submarine hatch. This was where we stopped.

creepy underground bunker

Right after this shot the camera went down and we headed back to the entrance. As this post proves, we both survived. Nonetheless it was the spookiest trip of my life.

Via imgur

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