Jones' Journey: Lauren Jones is expecting a baby!

Lauren Jones announces she's pregnant on WAVE 3 News Sunrise
Published: Nov. 19, 2015 at 11:10 PM EST|Updated: Nov. 20, 2015 at 11:50 AM EST
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LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - The cat's out of the bag, or better yet, the bun is in the oven. I'm excited to share some exciting news with all of you: My husband Jude and I are expecting a baby!

You may have noticed my growing bump, or maybe not. Maybe you flipped on Sunrise during one of my uncontrollable giggle episodes, or even noticed my eyes swell up with tears while reading a difficult story. It's called pregnancy hormones.

Whether you caught on, or didn't even notice, I'm thrilled to share the news with all of you at home.

This is a new journey for me. I've been blessed with two unbelievably amazing, smart, silly, compassionate and wonderful daughters, yet this will be my first time giving birth. Which means, I'm walking (feels like waddling already) down an unfamiliar road.

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The last few years I've been bombarded with one big question: When will you and Jude have another baby?

From our family, to friends, co-workers and even complete strangers, it's a question Jude and I are used to getting. No one, however, has asked this question more than our daughters.

From the time they were old enough to talk, they've wanted a "widdle baby" to play with. Knowing how excited they'd be to hear our family is growing made me so excited.

One of my favorite parts of raising children is hearing, and absorbing, the insanely hilarious things they say. I often feel like I live in a comedy movie, or a reality TV show and can't help but shake my head and laugh.

So, the story of how our daughters reacted to the news was nothing short of PG (for elementary school language) humor. I couldn't think of a better way to kick off Jones' Journey.

While on Fall Break, we hiked to the top of a mountain in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. Under a blue sky and surrounded by brightly-colored leaves, the beauty around us was truly indescribable. It was a perfect day.

We sat our cellphone down, selfie-style, and started recording.

"We have some exciting news to tell you," we began. "Do either of you have any idea why I've been so sick lately?" (Yes, morning sickness is not just a morning thing. Apparently it comes and goes at all hours of the day. Why does no one tell you that?)

"Lots of poop," my youngest daughter declared, prompting hysterical laughter.

"No, babe, not poop."

"Beans! You ate too many beans!"

Again, we laughed hysterically.

"Nope, not beans."

"OK, I know, an alien!" You already know what I'm going to say; We laughed, and laughed, and laughed.

Our oldest chimed in, smiled her sweet smile and said, "A baby?" And from there, chaos ensued and our journey of "Redfield family of four" turned into one of five.

We can't wait to bring another little one into this world and enjoy the innocent jokes, tender moments and unforgettable experiences that make us who we are as parents.

I look forward to sharing my journey with all of you over the next few months, and of course I'd love to hear your stories as well. We can grow together, literally.

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