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Journal Articles
Extrinsic sound stimulations and development of periphery auditory synapses
Pages: 47-50
Year: Issue:  2
Journal: Journal of Otology

Keyword:  Ribbon synapseCochleaPeripherySound stimulationDevelopment;
Abstract: The development of auditory synapses is a key process for the maturation of hearing function. However, it is still on debate regarding whether the development of auditory synapses is dominated by acquired sound stimulations. In this review, we summarize relevant publications in recent decades to address this issue. Most reported data suggest that extrinsic sound stimulations do affect, but not govern the development of periphery auditory synapses. Overall, periphery auditory synapses develop and mature according to its intrinsic mechanism to build up the synaptic connections between sensory neurons and/or interneurons.
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