We’re looking for experienced writers / journalists / bloggers who wish to join us and cover weekday and/or weekend positions.

If we have your attention, you can read further and learn details on how to apply for a position. For any questions please contact us at info(at)carscoops.com


Essential requirements

1) At least 1 year experience writing news for an automotive website or blog

2) Ability to research, proofread, fact-check and upload your own stories

3) Up-to-date on all the latest cars, technologies and events in the global auto industry.

4) Access to automotive and news press sites 

5) Working knowledge of the internet, social media tools and photo editing software

6) Commit to at least six complete articles per day, more during major car-related events

7) A basic understanding of copyright laws

8) Willing to learn and adapt

9) We accept submission from all countries, but you must be highly proficient in English with excellent grammar and writing skills

10) Be on the lookout for breaking news any time of the day. Sniffing out stories, following leads and managing to be the first to share them online should be something that comes natural, giving you great pride and satisfaction – heck, we’ll even allow some chest thumping.


How to apply

Send us an email with the subject line “Carscoops New Writers” to info(at)carscoops.com (or just click here) containing three freshly written sample posts between 200 and 250 words each, with pictures from car manufactures’ press sites or your own shots, and/or embedded videos.

The sample articles should include at least one unique and enticing automotive-related subject (surprise us!) that will engage and entertain readers, plus a story on a freshly introduced production, concept or upcoming model.

Provide links to your previous workNote: you still need to write the three posts, unless your name begins with Jeremy and ends with Clarkson.

The next step is to add a few lines about yourself (feel free to attach your resume) along with a list of car sites, forums and social media networks that you visit on a daily basis to get your automotive fix.

We promise to read every single word and if we think you’re a match, we will be contacting you with more information about the position. Please note that we may not be able to respond to all emails.