First Trailer for 'Dirty Grandpa' Starring Zac Efron & Robert De Niro
by Alex Billington
October 28, 2015
Source: Facebook
"The way I see it - this is our last stand." Lionsgate has debuted the trailer for Dirty Grandpa, about an uptight kid played by Zac Efron who has to drive his lewd, perverted former-Army-general grandfather, played by Robert De Niro, to spring break in Florida. Ohhhh man this is one hell of a raunchy film, and not in a good way. At least they admit that De Niro's character is a "pervert", because damn is he an asshole. The cast includes Julianne Hough, Aubrey Plaza, Dermot Mulroney, Zoey Deutch, Jason Mantzoukas, Adam Pally and Henry Zebrowski. I recommend staying as far away from this film as possible, it's just not worth it.
Here's the first official trailer for Dan Mazer's Dirty Grandpa, originally from BuzzFeed:
Right before his wedding, an uptight guy (Efron) is tricked into driving his grandfather (De Niro), a perverted former Army general, to Florida for spring break. Dirty Grandpa is directed by filmmaker Dan Mazer, of "Da Ali G Show" work and I Give It a Year previously. The screenplay is by newcomer John Phillips (Bad Santa 2). Julianne Hough, Aubrey Plaza, Dermot Mulroney, Zoey Deutch, Jason Mantzoukas, Adam Pally and Henry Zebrowski co-star in this wacky comedy. Lionsgate will be releasing Dan Mazer's Dirty Grandpa in theaters everywhere starting January 22nd, 2016 early next year. Is anyone interested?
This sounds like a ripoff of that awful Johnny Knoxville movie....what ever happened to Bobby DeNiro?
TheOct8pus on Oct 28, 2015
Damn, you must be young. The poster is actually a ripoff of The Graduate with Dustin Hoffman. Great movie from 1967.
KLD on Oct 28, 2015
I am young...but yeah. That poster is clearly a spoof of the Graduate...."Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Robinson?"
TheOct8pus on Oct 29, 2015
I agree, but I also feel like they don't make the same types of movies as they used to. I really miss the style of his old school gangster movies like Good Fellas and Casino, or even Donnie Brasco, Carlito's Way, they just don't make these types of movies anymore. All those actors are either making nonsense films for the most part or nothing at all.
Justin R on Oct 28, 2015
What about the last three David O. Russell films?
Cody on Oct 30, 2015
I'm not gonna lie, I love that poster though.
Lar Rackell on Oct 28, 2015
I think De Niro enjoys something about his age. I don't know what it is, but it looks like it's not gonna end ....
shiboleth on Oct 28, 2015
Not sure why we should stay away. I thought the preview was pretty funny. So much better (at least IMO) than so much of the other crap that passes for comedy these days, ie., lots of Judd Apatow stuff. Perhaps I'm just old (50). I loved both Neighbors and Bad Grandpa so this looks pretty good to me.
KLD on Oct 28, 2015
we should be happy he still wants to work.
Adam on Oct 29, 2015
I mean... I like the poster.
Nielsen700 on Oct 29, 2015
I liked de Niro in meet the parents, but it is a shame you see such a great actor in such terrible movies... Pacino same problem ...
ari smulders on Oct 29, 2015
This Zac Efron thing is still going on huh?
cuckoozey on Oct 29, 2015
uhhh? zero laughs..... This is a comedy?? 0/10
Henry Willis on Oct 29, 2015
Ayyy...maybe it's like a every three movies we get a good one thing???
DAVIDPD on Oct 29, 2015
Looks awful.
Firefly15 on Oct 31, 2015
Aubrey Plaza just blew my head off. I thought she was hot in parks and rec but WOW
Ty Webb on Nov 1, 2015
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