EXCLUSIVE VIDEO – London ‘No Borders’ Campaigner Urges ‘Palestinian’ Tactics To ‘Bring Government To Its Knees’

London riots convict turned pro-open borders agitator Syed Bokhari delivered a speech to a handful of hard-left activists and anarchists outside the French Embassy in London this weekend. Mr. Bokhari – married to fellow campaigner Mona Dohle, who claimed migrants were not responsible for the Cologne sex attacks – said that his hard-left group need to use “Palestinian” tactics against the British and French governments.

Mr. Bokhari, in a wending and self-contradictory speech firstly urged no collaboration with governments, before going on to claim how his organisations and followers had helped formulate government policy. He concluded by claiming he believed his rag-tag group of activists could, “bring [the British] government to its knees” over the issue of open borders.

The British Social Attitudes Survey reveals that 77 per cent of Britons want to see immigration reduced, with 56 per cent saying they want to see it reduced ‘a lot’.

But Mr. Bokhari and his colleagues don’t seem to care about public opinion. He told his crowd, including his slightly disinterested looking wife, “At the turn of the century there was another refugee camp in calais called Sangatte run by the Red Cross. Sarkozy, backed by the British government, went to close that camp and shut it down, but it didn’t disappear overnight. It took a whole year of pitched battles, of resistance, of riots from the refugees resisting the French government before they shut it down. And i think we have to be clear on this point, that if refugees in Calais and in Dunkirk decide to resist the eviction of their homes that they have every right to do so and we must stand with them and we must support them in their struggle unconditionally”.

The comments come shortly after the deputy mayor of Calais told journalists that British activists were working to stroke tensions in the area, effectively radicalising migrants. Philippe Mignonet said: “They are obsessed with increasing tensions and setting the migrants up against the authorities,” a claim backed by left-wing journalist Maike Engels, who revealed: “We went [to Calais] with our cameras, only to find the No Borders Network stirring up dissent.”

And Mr. Bokhari went further in the video above, urging the use of tactics used by “international solidarity activists around the Palestinian liberation struggle” specifically mentioning “human chains” – a tactic employed by the terrorist outfit Hamas, who put civilian lives in danger in Gaza in 2008.

He added: “…those are the kind of things that we need to start thinking of doing”.

Mr. Bokhari, a Pakistani asylum seeker himself who was handed a nine-month sentence for raiding a London electronics shop, said “we have to say that David government, uh, David Cameron and his government’s policy has been an absolute disgrace… and um, and I think we have to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are escaping war, poverty, persecution all around the world and we need to say that we will always defend them”.

The use of “poverty” as a rationale for seeking refugee status in Western countries would effectively open Britain’s borders to more than three billion people around the world.

Mr. Bokhari concluded: “Our movement has won, already, many successes and victories. After 100,000 people marched in London, David Cameron started talking about letting 20,000 Syrians in. After, a few weeks ago, after we managed to get four Syrian boys from Calais into Britain under a landmark legal ruling, the government started making noise about allowing more unaccompanied minors into Britain. This shows that our movement can win. That we can beat the British government… and I believe we can bring this government to its knees over this issue”.

He has previously written on Facebook: “Anyone who wants to [say] ‘Syed [is] just a charity worker now’ – I’m happy to prove to you fools that I ain’t no humanitarian… A big f*** you to the Met police, Special Branch, MI5, GCHQ, the whole of France, David Cameron and the Conservatives.”

Video by Rachel Megawhat 


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