Lost in Translationmon

creating various Digimon content

  • 39 members
  • 485 posts
  • $73.47/month

Choose your membership

 / month
 You have hatched as a Patreon backer!
  • Access to Patreon feed where we post special updates and advance announcement information that will only be available here! In addition, you'll also get sneak peaks for episode logos and working titles!
  • Access to Patreon-only sections of our website
  • When it's your birthday you'll get a special birthday shoutout on the show!
  • Access to Patreon-only areas of the Discord server
  • Discord access 
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In Training
 / month

You've Digivolved for the first time!

In addition to rewards from previous levels

  • Access to draft blog posts on the patreon-only side of the website
  • Decision helping - If we need help deciding on content (blogs, podcasts, videos...) or any advancements, you will have a say in what happens!
  • You will be thanked by name at the end of every episode and in every blog post.
  • Discord access 
 / month

You've Digivolved again and can start to join the fight!

In addition to rewards from previous levels

  • Episode reaction notes will be sent out if applicable
  • During the thank you segment you can plug your blog/personal project/or whatever you want.
  • Will be sent the edited podcast at least twelve hours before we release it publicly!
  • Discord access 
 / month
You've Digivolved again! Digimon are the 'Champions' after all!

In addition to rewards from previous levels
  • Access to the super secret segment guide for each episode
  • Discord access 
 / month

You've Digivolved again, now you're bursting full of power!

In addition to rewards from previous levels

  • Access to unedited and early episode recordings 
  • Become a producer of Lost in Translationmon! Suggest topics for discussion and it will be discussed at length at some point on the podcast during the month.
  • Discord access 
 / month

You've Digivolved again and now you're one of the most powerful 'mons around!

In addition to rewards from previous levels

  • Become a producer of Lost in Translationmon! Suggest topics for discussion and it will be discussed it at length at some point on the podcast during the month.
  • Live recordings! You'll be able to hear live recordings of shows we do!
  • Discord access 
Burst Mode
 / month
Recent posts by Lost in Translationmon
Lost in Translationmon

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