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‘Late’ Island Rail Road: LIRR On-Time Stats Obscure Rider Fury at Thousands of Blown Connections

Late trains leave riders little time to make connections scheduled as tight as 4 minutes apart.

Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Reversal Won’t Win Democrats Any Votes in November

Hochul left billions of dollars and massive drop in congestion on the table with no guarantee of quieting congestion toll opponents ahead of November's election, according to political insiders.

OUTRAGE: ‘Spineless’ Hochul’s Surrender on Congestion Pricing Feeds the Trolls

By channeling the very rhetoric of the toll's car-centric opponents, the governor has undermined her stated goal of improving the city.

Hot Pursuit: NYPD Chases Still Surging Unleashing Danger on City Streets

Drivers seeking to escape the NYPD — and the agency's massive increase in its pursuit of said drivers — continue to surge.

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Prior stories

Two Assembly Pols: Congestion Pricing is Good Policy — Democrats Should Embrace It

Let’s be clear: the Governor’s announcement to “indefinitely delay implementation” is effectively a cancellation of congestion pricing.

Reporter’s Notebook: Where Were You The Day Congestion Pricing Died (Maybe)?

Gov. Hochul's gambit has not gone well, with spirits in Albany only buoyed by me, Dave, showing up to the Capitol to crack some jokes and yell.

City Officials Demand Congestion Pricing Despite Eric Adams’s Deference to Hochul

Mayor Adams supports Gov. Hochul for delaying congestion pricing, but top-level appointees in his administration are urgently speaking out in favor of the tolls.

Council Urges State to Expand City’s Tiny Red Light Camera Program to 600 Intersections

The state is expected to follow suit. But what happened to the promise of 1,325 intersections?

Two Huge Questions About ‘Gridlock Gov.’ Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Delay

Can she even do this? And does she have a revenue plan? Maybe and no seem to be the answers.


Car Crashes by City Workers Cost Taxpayers $180M in Payouts Last Year: Report

A record number of victims of crashes involving city employees in city-owned cars filed claims in fiscal year 2023 — and settlements with victims have jumped 23 percent, a new report shows.

GHOST TAGS: Inside NYC’s Black Market for Temporary License Plates

Read all three parts of Jesse Coburn's award-winning investigation.

‘A Very Dangerous Job’: Dozens of NYC School Crossing Guards Injured by Drivers Since 2012, Records Show

As thousands of guards returned to street corners across the city last week for the reopening of public schools, records obtained by Streetsblog reveal the dangers that guards face on the job.

Thursday’s Headlines: So How Was Your Day Edition

The only story yesterday was Gov. Hochul's decision to shelve congestion pricing.

Congestion Pricing Advocates Demand Answers As Hochul Betrays Them … And Herself

Hundreds of protesters rushed to Gov. Hochul's Midtown office on Wednesday to protest the governor's decision to abandon congestion pricing.

Spin Zone: Fact-Checking Hochul’s Congestion Pricing Video

Hochul's logic for abandoning congestion pricing was dubious, and her commitment to her stated gridlock and climate goals are in the dustbin.

Four Ways that NY Gov. Hochul’s Cancelation of Congestion Pricing is Bad for America

The plan was always controversial, but supporters have rightly pointed out that politicians need to act boldly, lest our society fail to meet its stated goals.

KOMANOFF: Hochul Must Remember the Facts of Congestion Pricing’s Benefits

Gov. Hochul should stay the course and usher in the bright and brand-new day that congestion pricing promises.

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Congestion Pricing

Gov. Hochul Should Read Gov. Hochul’s Press Releases about the Benefits of Congestion Pricing

Gov. Hochul once touted the central business tolling plan as "powerful" and "transformative" for the city. That was then.

Wider Crosstown Bike Lanes Coming on 2 Midtown Strips

It's the latest effort to take advantage of the predicted reduction in vehicle traffic from congestion pricing and increase cycling.

Monday’s Headlines: More Weird Coverage from the Times Edition

Another day, another chance to point out flaws in the Times's coverage of congestion pricing. Plus other news.