Did you know there are 6 different types of learners? Determining which type of learner you are can significantly boost your chances of performing better when it comes to exam time. Familiarizing yourself with your own best practices for study is crucial for retaining information in a particular subject.
Below are 6 brief descriptions on the 6 types of learners there are, which one are you?
1. Accelerated Learner
The Accelerated learner is typically a ‘reader’. You are usually enrolled in AP Language as well as additional AP courses. More often than not you merely need validation and tweaking of the skill sets you have taken for granted up until now. Nevertheless these skills are invaluable when it comes to standardized tests.
2. Hands-on Learner
Second in our list of types of learners is the Hands-on learner. You need foundation skills. You require some basic skill building improvements, particularly in the areas of problem solving and critical reading. You are also inclined to require a slower pace and more hands on delivery when it comes to instructions.
3. Overachiever Learner
The Overachiever learner is usually a good rote learner meaning your ability to memorize is strong. You get good grades but are typically a weak test taker. You can be intimidated by standardized tests and sometimes fail to understand the difference between grades and test scores. You must be shown the requisite skills that will give you the confidence to get the scores more reflective of your skill level.
4. Sound Learner
The Sound learner is the student who does well in school. Typically you study hard but you also know when enough is enough. You are motivated, serious about where and what you want to study and you regularly get solid grades. Sound learners go the extra mile and are not only aware of the benefits of taking a test prep course, but the difference such a course would make in their college selection options.
5. Unmotivated Learner
The Unmotivated learner genuinely wants to do well but regularly feels uninterested and/or unchallenged by the whole learning process. However, you will quickly find out that this is a method whereby you can achieve success. In the long term, you will feel proud as you learn to successfully apply strategies that will transform your mind-set. This method that BreakThrough Test Prep can help you with, will lead to higher test scores and greater satisfaction.
6. Maverick Learner
The Maverick learner is the student who often engages in two or more of the categories above. You have adopted the ‘my way or the highway’ motto and prefer to outline your own study path. Provided you are in the ‘best’ learning environment to facilitate this way of learning, i.e. where you feel you have the backing of your teacher, the ‘maverick’ in you will excel.
About the Author
If you were not able to identify your learning habits among the options above, why not get in touch with Harriet from BreakThrough Test Prep™. Harriet has over 30 years of experience in the area of test preparation and will be able to assess your learning style through her personal Strategy Sessions. Contact BreakThrough Test Prep™ Today.

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