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Are candy canes good or bad for the teeth?

Are candy canes good or bad for the teeth?

Candy canes are one of the most iconic holiday foods–as soon as December begins, the familiar red and white striped candy starts filling stores and kitchens alike. But tasty as they may be, are the peppermint sticks good for your teeth? Dr. Allen Gotora, from Stellar Dental in Silver Spring and Hyattsville, MD, explains why limiting the amount of candy canes you buy can be important to maintaining your family’s oral health.candy-cane

Beware of sugar

Candy canes are problematic primarily because of their high sugar content–although the candy may not seem as sweet as other sugary snacks, like most candies, it still contains a surprising amount of sugar. When you suck on a candy cane, those sugars are then spread around the mouth, sticking to the teeth and gums and creating the perfect nesting grounds for harmful, cavity-causing bacteria.

But isn’t peppermint good for the teeth?

But, you might be wondering, isn’t the peppermint oil that flavors the candy cane beneficial to the teeth? This certainly isn’t a surprising train of thought–after all, most toothpastes contain peppermint oil because the antibacterial properties of the essential oil are so potent. Despite this potential gain, though, most dentists still recommend avoiding candy canes (at least in high quantities): the amount of sugar in the candy can do more harm than the small amounts of peppermint oil can repair.

Oral hygiene: the solution

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to avoid candy canes entirely–indulging yourself once in awhile is perfectly fine. Just remember to brush your teeth carefully right after having the snack to wash the sugar out of your mouth.

If you have any more questions about tooth-friendly foods or if you think you may have developed a cavity despite your attempts to keep your mouth bacteria-free, you can also contact Dr. Allen Gotora from Stellar Dental. He has offices in both Silver Spring and Hyattsville, MD just for this purpose–simply call (301) 853-1567 or visit our website to set up an appointment today!