Being the father of the bride on her big day is an overwhelming emotional experience. One of the largest emotions of the day will be pride for the woman your daughter has become and the sadness that your little girl is no longer little and is about to embark on her own life journey with her beloved. As this day is special it is important to make your speech special and memorable.


  1. We have all been to that wedding with the disastrous father of the bride speech where the whole room is dying with embarrassment along with the bride. This is an opportunity to show your daughter your pride in her and the woman she has become. Mark it appropriately and don't distract from it with cheesy one-liners.[1]
  2. It may be that half of the room knows exactly who you are, but the other half doesn't, and it is good manners to start any wedding speech with an introduction.[2]
  3. Remember, these guests are there voluntarily and give gifts from their hearts, not out of a sense of obligation. It is good manners to thank people for this.[3]
  4. Make this part appropriate and formal. This is not the time to tell the room about her topless vacation to Cancun or any other embarrassing moments best left for something like a 21st birthday speech. Tell the room about your pride for your daughter and the accomplishments you feel helped make her who she is. Express your love for your daughter and your sadness at her no longer being your little girl with ribbons and curls.[4]
  5. Again this part should be appropriate and formal. Remember, half the room is filled with his guests and family. This is not the time to threaten a meeting with a shot-gun if he breaks your daughter's heart. Be genuine when talking about why you allowed him to marry your daughter and what you like about him or admire.
  6. To conclude, toast the new couple and wish them all the happiness and everlasting love you ever wished your daughter to have ever since you first held her as a newborn. Remind them that fairy tales do come true and that your daughter was the biggest fairytale to you of them all.[5]
  7. After the wedding and the honeymoon, contact the new couple and thank your daughter for the opportunity to speak and for being your daughter, and for being as perfect as she is because she is exactly the way she is meant to be.

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I factor in being divorced from the bride's mother?
    Community Answer
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    You shouldn't let your differences ruin your daughter's special day. Just try to avoid conflict, the last thing you want is a fight between the bride's parents.
  • Question
    Does the father toast the couple alone?
    Community Answer
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    Everyone toasts, but he leads the toast. Also, you may have several toasts if the best man, maid of honor, etc. would like to make one.
  • Question
    How long should the speech take?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    There is no real correct answer to this question. The speech should be as long as it needs to be. Don't drone on forever, and in most cases keep it short and simple, but don't sacrifice anything important for the sake of keeping it a little shorter. Your daughter will remember this speech forever. Take as long as is necessary to make it special.
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  • Be genuine. It's okay for you to tell your daughter at this important stage of her life how proud of her you are and express your love for her as she enters this new stage in life.
  • Be humble and thankful for the opportunity. Your daughter asked you to do this because she loves you, not for her own amusement, so treat it as such.
  • Be formal. This is not a comedy club on a Saturday night. This is your daughter's big day, and you have half a room of new family members. You don't need them rolling their eyes at you.



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Updated: September 7, 2021
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    Brad W.

    Jul 25, 2016

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