Word of the Day + Quiz | trappings

trappings • \ˈtra-piŋz\ • noun

: ornaments; embellishments to or characteristic signs of

The word trappings has appeared in 187 New York Times articles in the past year, including on March 14 in “Ben Affleck’s ‘Broken’ Batman” by Dave Itzkoff:

Jeremy Irons, who plays Bruce Wayne’s loyal aide, Alfred, said that beneath all the special effects and high-tech trappings of the film, Mr. Affleck seemed drawn to the mythical, larger-than-life qualities of the title champions.

“They do represent big, emotional ideas that stand behind America as a country,” Mr. Irons said. “I think a man like Ben needs to feel that he’s not just earning parts, but he’s actually telling a story that is worth mentioning.”

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