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‘No photos for [you]’: Penny-pinching school admin tries to take credit for a field trip they refused to fund, teacher that paid €360 claps back

When the school principal is the first person to deny funding for any extra projects but also the first in line to reap the benefits, teachers can get a little fiery in the teacher's lounge.
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‘I can’t do my job like this': Teacher shares declining interest in job due to students phone usage, leading to discussion about teaching

‘I can’t do my job like this': Teacher shares declining interest in job due to students phone usage, leading to discussion about teaching

I can't begin to imagine what it's like to teach nowadays. I witness kids' behavior in public and it already infuriates me. I can't fathom what it's like to teach them. Here, let me tell you a story. One day, I was ordering a hamburger at a place, and in the line before me was a tired, worn-out dad, and his obnoxious child with their eyes glued to the phone. The dad had to repeat, 'What would you like to eat' about ten times before the kid stopped ignoring him and mumble-replied. Then the kid b…
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