Symptoms Of Poisoning


The symptoms of CO poisoning can be, at times, difficult to pinpoint to problems arising from CO gas. When there are low levels of poisoning the symptoms can be the same as having flu like symptoms. With even lower levels over long periods, the CO gas can just be similar to feeling a little tired and lethargic.

Therefore, it is important to decipher between actual poisoning and just feeling under the weather. The most obvious way to determine this is to have any kind of tester in the house that will let you know if you are exposed to the dangerous gases. If your household does not have any kind of detector then you should learn to tell the difference between CO poisoning and actually being unwell.

Understand the difference between CO Poisoning and Flu

A good way of sorting out the CO facts and telling the difference between poisoning and flu like symptoms is to take note and ask how other people in your house are feeling. If they are also experiencing similar symptoms then you may well be being poisoned. The other factor you should take into account is timescale. Ask yourself how long you have been feeling this way. If it was the flu or a bug then it might last a week or two and you should start to feel better but if the feeling never goes away, consider having your fuel burning appliances checked.

Another thing to consider is when you feel the symptoms. If you only feel that way at home but when you go out to work or the shops then you feel better, there could well be a problem in your home.


So, what are actual symptoms of poisoning?


The most common symptoms of low levels of CO poisoning are headaches and nausea. Along with these low levels symptoms, you could be experiencing tiredness, feeling dizzy and having a shortness of breath. As was previously mentioned, this all depends on the concentration of the CO Gas. It does not take much released into the air to make you feel unwell. For example, with these low levels of poisoning, with only a slightly higher concentration it can lead to a difficulty concentrating and feeling depressed. You could have problems with your vision and depending upon CO levels, you may lose consciousness and will need immediate treatment for the poisoning.

When the levels of CO gas reach a higher level then the symptoms will become more severe. There are a number of different symptoms and you may experience any number of them. Some of the possible effects are a loss of coordination which stems from damage to the brain. You may have chest pains that stem from angina or an issue with the heart. There may be seizures and muscle spasms and potentially death in a very short time.

Some people are more at risk then others and this can include pets because the smaller the person or animal, the higher risk they have. Obviously babies are at a great risk as are the elderly, pregnant women and anyone with an underlying heart condition. When the concentration of CO gas is very high, death can occur so quickly that every person is at a high risk. This often comes down to the difference between life and death and every household should have at least one monitor to keep everyone safe.

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