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The first major power tool a woodworker buys is a table saw. That is usually followed by a wood router, power miter saw, drill press and joiner. Wood routers spin very sharp bits at high rates of speed. It isn't difficult to learn to operate a wood router, although it can be appear intimidating to a novice.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Types of wood routers

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    • The most common wood router is a mid-size router that varies from 1.5 to 2.5 horsepower and comes either with a fixed or plunge base. This size router is used for a variety of tasks, including the trimming of laminates, routing of molding and the cutting of dadoes and rabbit joints. It usually comes with a .5-inch (12.7 mm) collet with a .25-inch (6.35 mm) adapter collet. You may also find European routers with a collett of 3/8-inch (8 mm).
    • Next is the trim or palm router. It rarely comes with anything other than a fixed-router base. It can be gripped in the palm of your hand and operated with one hand due to its size and can be used for laminate trimming; light edging, such as rounding over an edge; and to cut small dadoes and rabbits.
    • The heaviest and largest of the three types are the 2.5 to 3.5 horsepower routers. These routers come with a fixed base and are usually found in professional woodworking shops. They are also often found bolted under a router table and used in molding and trim work or dealing with hardwoods.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Operation of the three sizes of fixed-base wood routers

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  1. This is done by turning the collett nut counter-clockwise.
  2. Clamp on the base and loosen the slide of the router body to the depth you need. Then, reclamp the body in place.
  3. Use a scrap piece of wood to check the depth of the bit.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Operation of the three sizes of plunge-base wood routers

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  1. This allows the motor to plunge downward to the depth you desire for making the cut.
  2. Push downward and move the router from right to left while holding down on the base. Let up when you have reached the end of your cut. The motor should move upward retracting the bit.
  3. These tables can be used with medium and larger sized plunge and fixed-base routers. They vary in size from stand-alone to bench-top.
    • The router is mounted upside down on a special plate that fits into a hole cut into a table top. Otherwise, it operates the same. The advantage is that it makes more accurate cuts and expands the use of a router.
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  • Cut in increments when routing a deep score. It is possible to overload the router and burn the wood. This action would also overheat the motor.
  • The advantage of a plunge router base over the fixed-base router is that, when you are through with routing, the bit moves back up into the base. This allows you to immediately shut the router down.
  • The method of depth adjustment differs with manufacturers. You should always follow instructions for your particular wood router.
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Updated: August 6, 2021
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