It is difficult to comfort a friend who has one serious ailment, but when they already have Multiple Sclerosis, and now have been diagnosed as having Cancer, it is very difficult for them to accept. At this time, they need the closeness of a friend to offer them comfort and understanding. Just being there for them, talking to them can be what will pull them through this difficult moment in their lives. "Nothing disappears without a trace." -Wernher VonBraun


  1. Visiting is a form of physical contact, like hand holding or hugging, which are also recommended.
  2. Take them out for the day. Do not focus on disease processes or the loss of independence, unless they would like to talk or vent their feelings. Talk about the flowers, family and friends, what your friend ate for breakfast. Read to your friend, the newspaper, the Bible, poetry, whatever your friend prefers.
  3. Be there. Hold your friend's hand while he or she is sleeping. Watch a movie together. Listen to music.
  4. He or she has a potentially fatal disease. It is normal to be afraid. Listen to him or her and don't say things like, "Oh, you'll be alright" or "Don't be afraid" or "So-and-so had the same thing, and they are fine now." While this may be true, your friend may feel that you are minimizing their condition and denying their feelings of fear.
  5. Ask if you can bring anything special. You are also offering the gift of your time.
  6. "I want you to know that I will be there for you through anything you face." or "I love you and I always will."
  7. Talk about it!
  8. Some talk directly to God. Others pray silently. You might pray in Hebrew, Arabic, or another language of your religion. Maybe you are atheist. If that be the case, thoughts of, "I hope ______ gets better soon!" is good enough for anyone.
  9. Offer to wash the dishes or clean the litter box, etc.
  10. Look for daily blessings and simple pleasures.

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Updated: October 10, 2022
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