6 Ways to Win the Heart of a Filipina

the heart of a filipina can be won in 6 waysIs dating a Filipina easy? Well, it could be challenging at times because most Filipinas are very strong-willed. But, despite that, women from the Philippines do have a certain charm to them that makes them intriguing and alluring. Besides, once you’ve won the heart of a Filipina, it won’t matter how strong-willed she is. She’ll be yours and you’ll be hers. There are different ways on how you win the heart of a Filipina over but here are the top 6:

Win the Heart of a Filipina and Her Family

There’s noting more important to a Filipina than seeing her family happy. When it comes to relationship or marriage decisions, a Filipina can decide on her own, but this decision will be significantly influenced by her family. This is why you, the suitor, needs to make a good first impression. It’s not just the Filipina’s heart you need to win but her family’s as well.

Small Romantic Gestures

What can exactly be classified as a small romantic gesture? It’s simple. Opening the door for her, sending her text messages throughout the day, leaving her small notes or emails and maybe sending her small inexpensive gifts. Do you get the point? Women from the Philippines really eat up romantic comedy movies and there’s plenty of small romantic gestures in them that they want to experience in their life.

More Actions, Less Words

Aside from doing the small gestures, you have to mean what you say and you have to do what you say. It’s not enough to tell a Filipina that you’re really interested in her. You have to show it through your actions. Here’s the thing about this, however. It’s ok to do this everyday but the big points come from showing effort for when it really counts – when she needs someone to talk to, when she’s sad about something or when she’s had a bad day.

Cook Dishes She’ll Love

Filipinas love to eat. Some women even have more adventurous palettes. To get on this side of her, why not cook dishes to win the heart of a Filipina. You can try cooking traditional Filipino foods (if you can) or you can simply cook what you’ve already cooked before. They have to be good, of course, but they don’t need to be great. Sufficient cooking skills will do. Aside from getting on her side that loves to eat, partly, you’re showing her that you’re making an effort to impress her.

Respect Her Beliefs

In the Philippine culture, there are plenty of beliefs that you need to accept. You don’t need to accept them for yourself but you just have to respect the fact that the woman you’re dating believes them by heart. To win the heart of a Filipina over means to accept her superstitions, religious traditions and the like.

Let Her Be Herself

If you really want to win the heart of a Filipina, you need to accept her for who she is. When she’s loud, let her be loud. When she’s enthusiastic about going to new places, let her be over zealous. The main point is to allow her to be herself as long as it doesn’t compromise on your future relationship. Who knows? When you’re married, maybe she’ll let you watch the game in peace and even hand you a few beers.