I will naturally drip feed 1800 social signals to your link from the TOP SOCIAL MEDIA SITES THROUGH THE ENGAGEMENT of millions of my active followers on social platform. WHY SOCIAL SIGNALS IMPORTANT WHEN IT COMES TO SEO? Just because Facebook and Twitter aren’t driving you a ton of sales doesn’t mean you shouldn’t leverage them. Why? Because both Google and Bing use data from social sites in order to determine how high to rank your website. That's is the fact. With the rise of social sites like Facebook and Twitter, both Google and Bing have started to take into account social signals to determine a website ranking. Therefore, you can take the advantage of signals from these giants sites to SHOOT your link(s) to the 1st page of TOP search engines. WHY SHOULD I PROVIDE THESE SERVICE FOR YOU? These signals are from the engagement of active social media users with your link(s). Your URL(s) will be posted in the front of millions of active users, group members and so on, who will like, share, tweet, retweet, post comment etc. The signals will be natural which will give JUICE to your URL(s) and link(s). I WILL NEVER BLAST SIGNALS TO YOUR LINK(S) IT IS UNETHICAL AND NOT A GOOD SEO PRACTICE!! THE EFFECT ON YOUR SITE!!! Fast Google ranking Targeted Traffic generate & Alexa Ranking created on high PR websites Safe for any of the Google’s algorithm updates (Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird...) Increases SERP 100% done manually. HOW MANY TOTALLY SOCIAL SIGNALS YOU WILL GET? FACEBOOK SIGNALS-----850+ Twitter SIGNALS--------550+ LINKEDIN signals-------300+ Pinterest--- 50+ Google Plus---- 50+ WHAT SERVICE YOU WILL GET HERE? Guaranteed over-delivery Safe for any of the Google’s algorithm updates (Penguin, Panda, Hummingbird...) Delivery in a max of 5 days Different Unique IP Addresses Provide full report (before and after screenshot of signals will be provided) Natural & Permanent Accept any website/ blog / YouTube video in any niche, any language Only accept 1 link per order No shortened or redirect links (meaning no goo.gl , bit.ly , adf.ly , etc) ★★ All orders come with a 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!★★PM Me if Interested!