It's not easy being Jessica Jones.
Netflix's first Marvel superhero series, Daredevil, focused largely on the physical consequences of heroics, lingering on the title character's many injuries. But its second turns inward, concentrating instead on the psychological repercussions of heroism. Jessica Jones follows a hero-turned-private-investigator whose alcoholism and rough demeanor set her apart from the average caped crusader.
Jessica (Krysten Ritter), her best friend Trish (Rachael Taylor), and a variety of other characters -- including Jess's more-than-a-junkie neighbor Malcolm (Eka Darville), NYPD sergeant Will Simpson (Wil Traval), and even Jessica's sometimes booty call Luke Cage (Mike Colter) -- have all endured various traumas, and now must find a way to negotiate the aftermath. The series shows the downside of superheroics, the pain that comes from putting yourself and others in harm's way -- and the slow healing process that affects even those who are saved.
While some series and films might minimize or sensationalize these themes, Jessica Jones thankfully takes a real and complex approach. It refuses to sugar-coat, and also refuses to cast these issues aside.
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Here are four ways the series expertly handles trauma -- and the road to recovery.
[img src="" caption=""Jessica Jones" Krysten Ritter and Rachael Taylor" credit="Netflix" alt="jessi_s1_008_h"]
The characters' problems are real
You won't find aliens or kingpins of crime in this series. Yes, Jessica and Luke are "gifted," as is the villainous Kilgrave (David Tennant) -- but in ways that enhance their very human strengths. Abusive relationships, drugs, loss of control, and grief are among the everyday evils these characters must face. Ritter tells Mashable that this is what makes the show so relatable: "Jessica’s struggles are so personal and so intimate; she’s not trying to save the universe, her shit’s all really real and personal."
Seeing a hero fighting bad guys as well as her own PTSD is incredibly empowering. In a culture that often belittles or ignores mental health issues, it's refreshing and important to see those battles placed front and center. And the fight's made even more visible by the series' central antagonist, who literally has the power to get inside people's heads. Jessica's main challenge is trying to put herself back together after being torn down by Kilgrave.
[img src="" caption=""Jessica Jones" Erin Moriarty" credit="Netflix" alt="jessi_s1_034_h"]
Physical and sexual abuse aren't mined for melodrama
While some shows end up sparking controversy over their portrayal of assault, Jessica Jones takes a "less is more" approach. The actual triggering events often happen off-screen.
Executive Producer and Head of Television for Marvel Studios Jeph Loeb explains the premise of the show: "So many heroes come at this job of being a superhero fully-formed. They know that they want to be a hero, they know that’s the place they want to be. And in many ways that’s where Jess began. But it’s not where our story begins. Our story begins with her broken... for us to be able to watch a story about someone who goes through a really horrible experience and yet not only survives but triumphs, I think that’s something people will really latch onto.”
[img src="" caption=""Jessica Jones" Krysten Ritter and Eka Darville" credit="Netflix" alt="jessi_s1_018_h"]
No one is a stereotype
There's not a single one-dimensional character among that lengthy list of Jessica Jones figures facing their own personal demons. The best friend isn't a jokey sidekick or a a weakling in need of saving; the cop looking for answers isn't a deus ex machina or a savior; the poor coed who gets caught by Kilgrave (Erin Moriarty) isn't a crying victim.
Not even Malcolm the junkie is what he seems. Darville, who's a scene-stealing breakout, loves that about his character: “He [Malcolm] doesn’t fit into any kind of boxes. Our first assumptions when we meet [him] are usually that he fits some kind of stereotype, and a lot is revealed about who he is and who he has been. And then who he’ll become is just as much of a surprise.”
The show throws out all of our assumptions about superheroes, as Jessica and Luke aren't always -- or even often -- heroic. “There’s such a glorified image [of] the whole superhero thing and that people aspire to be them and think they don’t have any problems or issues," says Darville. "But that couldn’t be further from the case with every single character on this show.”

The "victims" are the heroes
This show doesn't believe in black and white heroism. While evil surely exists in the form of Kilgrave, the majority of characters are live in shades of gray. Jessica and co. see that the road to Hell really is paved with good intentions, and struggle with what it means to be a hero.
Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg says it best: Jessica "is a character who has so much damage, but never gets buried under the weight of it. She’s just vibrant, and she’s not about feeling sorry for herself. She’s not about processing much of it, but she’s plowing through life and there’s just something energizing about that." Neither Jess nor her friends are completely weak or completely strong. They're all both. More importantly, they're all survivors -- and they won't stop fighting.
You can catch all of Jessica Jones on Netflix starting November 20th.