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Digital Analytics Fundamentals - Final Assessment Question

Discussion in 'Google Analytics' started by JohnScott, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. #1
    In the Digital Analytics Fundamentals - Final Assessment, I encountered this question:

    You want to create a report in Google Analytics that shows you the Visits and Ecommerce Conversion Rate broken out by both the dimensions Medium and City. How could you create this report?
    Check all that apply.

    The three correct answers are:

    1. Adjust the primary dimension of the Locations report to "City" and add a secondary dimension of "Medium." Then switch the metric group to "Ecommerce."
    2. Adjust the primary dimension of the All Traffic report to "Medium" and add a secondary dimension of "City." Then switch the metric group to "Ecommerce."
    3. Create a Custom Report with the dimensions "Medium" and "City" and the metrics "Visits" and "Ecommerce Conversion Rate."

    I only know they are correct because after an hour of fiddling with Analytics, I googled the question and
    found the answers. The other answers I got right without problem, but this one still confuses me. When I try to do as the answers indicate, Analytics doesn't let me. It asks for values for the metrics. (equal to, etc)

    Any Analytics experts here who can help me wrap my head around this?

    JohnScott, Sep 8, 2015 IP