This Comedy Duo Has Some Surprisingly Helpful Office Hacks To Make Your Work Life Better

    Tripp and Tyler have some tips on organization and also dealing with the incredibly annoying people you work with.

    Comedy duo Tripp and Tyler have some great ideas to help you make the workplace better.

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    You know all of those pesky cords that are tangled up in your drawer? Use empty toilet paper rolls to organize all of those cords that you will probably never use.

    That heavy brick attachment on your computer's charger is actually good for something! Quench your thirst with this handy little hack.

    Have an annoying co-worker who is always talking WAY too loud on their phone? Tape an airhorn to the trunk of their chair. That's obviously the most rational decision.

    DIY projects are fun. Use an empty spice rack for an office supply Lazy Susan!

    Sick of people stealing your pens? Take a blue ink cartridge and put it in a pink pen, because nobody's gonna steal that.

    Make your passwords more unique and secure by using special characters, like ñ. Sø clevër!

    Finally, store all of those loose business cards you've collected where they belong, IN THE TRASH.

    For these and more clever and hilarious office tips, watch the whole video here.