Pavlovian conditioning

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re·spon·dent con·di·tion·ing

a type of conditioning, first studied by Pavlov, in which a previously neutral stimulus (bell sound) elicits a response (salivation) as a result of pairing it (associating it contiguously in time) a number of times with an unconditioned or natural stimulus for that response (food shown to a hungry dog).
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Pavlovian conditioning

Classical conditioning.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Ivan, Russian physiologist and Nobel laureate, 1849-1936.
Pavlov behavioral theory
pavlovian conditioning - a type of conditioning in which a previously neutral stimulus elicits a response as a result of pairing it a number of times with an unconditioned stimulus for that response. Synonym(s): respondent conditioning
Pavlov method - the method of studying conditioned reflex activity by the observation of a motor indicator, such as the salivary or electroencephalographic response.
Pavlov pouch - a section of the stomach of a dog used in studies of gastric secretions. Synonym(s): miniature stomach; Pavlov stomach
Pavlov reflex - peripheral vasoconstriction and a rise in blood pressure in response to a fall in pressure in the great veins. Synonym(s): auriculopressor reflex
Pavlov stomach - Synonym(s): Pavlov pouch
Pavlov theory of schizophrenia - belief that symptoms of schizophrenia result from an inhibited state of the cerebral cortex.
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References in periodicals archive ?
Pavlovian conditioning involves rewarding recruits for taking the appropriate action in conjunction with the reinforcement of inclusion by peers and the approval of superiors and veteran officers.
Pavlovian conditioning is dependent on cortical activity; lower it by depressant drugs and conditioning becomes much more difficult.
On the other hand, environmental stimuli that become associated with the drug effects can acquire incentive salience through Pavlovian conditioning [95].
Washington, Nov 28 ( ANI ): Researchers have taken a significant step forward in unraveling the mechanisms of Pavlovian conditioning and understanding this will help understand how memories form and, ultimately, provide better treatments to improve memory in all ages.
Encoding of the unconditioned stimulus in Pavlovian conditioning. Animal Learning & Behavior, 22, 384-394.
We examined whether automatically generated freezing and movement scores were equally sensitive to traditional Pavlovian conditioning manipulations, and how this sensitivity was affected by the sampling frequency of the data.
Individual Hermissenda were trained using a Pavlovian conditioning regime adapted from Crow and Alkon (1974) and Lederhendler et al.
Semi-final, final, replay, another semi-final, another replay, another final: Wembley, Hillsborough, Old Trafford Wembley...Boro fans were semi-comatose and, after successful Pavlovian conditioning, an intensive period of sleep deprivation and emotional turmoil, started joining everyday queues in Asda and at bus-stops as a reflex.
One of Phil's former graduate students once said that he, Phil, believed that "Pavlovian conditioning is operant conditioning in disguise and operant conditioning is Pavlovian conditioning in disguise." He taught a graduate seminar course on experimental psychopathology, which of course was Pavlovian-(Ganttian-) based.
Initially designed to account for variations in the effectiveness of reinforcement in conditioning, the model was intended to explain variations in the strength of an associative link between a conditioned stimulus and a reinforcer (pavlovian conditioning) or between an action and its outcome (operant conditioning).