Stephen Colbert dresses as a 'sexy teenage vampire' on The Late Show


“Welcome to The Late Show. I am the late Stephen Colbert.”

Fear was in the air on Friday night’s episode of the Late Show as Stephen Colbert came out dressed up for his very first Halloween show. “I am obviously a sexy teenage vampire,” Colbert told the audience.

The host soon realized that his vampire costume might be problematic for him. “One thing I learned as a vampire is if you’re going to wear teeth like this, you should definitely do it in rehearsal as well,” Colbert said, then noting that he sounds like he a vampire from Barcelona.

Colbert continued his monologue, insisting that on Halloween one has an obligation to dress scary and not sexy.

“Sexy construction worker. That’s not scary,” Colbert said. “It’s also not very safe. A lot of work place injuries are caused by sexiness.”

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Watch the clip below to see Colbert begin his first ever Halloween episode as a scary (not sexy) vampire.

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