
Rough Cut

@ladyvyola / ladyvyola.tumblr.com

rounding off the edges

Batman is so focused on losing his tiny shadow that he doesn’t realize there are actually three of them.

aka wanted to play with dynamic duo dynamics and i couldnt decide whether to give bats a kid, a preteen, or a dick hilariously close in age, but then, epiphany: all 3 at once. batdad speedrun

btw timmy got the other two interested in following batman around so they basically adopted batman, really




Like asking if a hippo should be large or wet. Obviously they should be both

I mean, if I have to pick just one then sexy, but why is this a choice?

Every good vampire should make you feel the 'scared and horny' gif in your soul:


Vampires should also be large and wet.


The only thing crazier than a character clearly intended to be gay but kept in the plausible deniability subtext zone due to censorship issues is a character in a series where only like one of the writers clearly intended them to be gay. So this character is just gay sometimes and nobody acknowledges it

Sometimes you'll be watching star trek tos and it'll be a Gay Spock Episode. Like really blatantly. As clear as you could possibly make it without the network tearing you asunder in 1967. And other times they'll have Spock making out with a cavewoman for some reason. And that's just how having multiple writers is

This also happened to my buddy Castiel


in the replies @bonecouch coins the term "biflexual" and I think that's beautiful


Hi I have a question about Pacific Rim. Given that the sparring is just A way to test for drift compatibility and any activity that requires people to collaborate and anticipate each others moves works, including stuff like multi player video games

  • Can you test for drift compatibility via improv comedy

They are piloting a Jaeger together in my imagination


Their Jaeger is named Tapioca and it delivers a devastating Carol Channing attack.


I think bringing up "it/its" pronouns is a good test for people who claim to be "trans allies" because it so easily weeds out the people who are only doing it superficially. I've seen so many people who will post "Punch your local TERF #transrightsarehumanrights" and then turn around and be like "If someone says they go by 'it/its' pronouns it's actually good to misgender them because they're just teenager trenders"

you can't claim to support trans people and then qualify it with "but only the people I deem 'real' trans people"


my upstairs neighbor is so loud and annoying and all he does is yell and play video games but right now he's explaining the civil war and like the entire history of slavery and the prison industrial complex to some guy in overwatch voice chat so

"and like yea technically we ended slavery but it still happens which is why black people are incarcerated disproportionately more than any other race. damn dude I haven't played this game in forever when did they add this new mercy skin" I swear to God like I'm paraphrasing but this is whats going on


spock’s room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.

for reference jim’s room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing


You are judging Spock’s room through human associations tastes. Remember, Vulcan blood is green and the planet Vulcan is red (Discovery even adds to this by showing red trees around Sarek’s property).

On Vulcan, red is the color of nature, so (assuming Vulcans even assign meaning to colors), red is likely a very calm and soothing color choice. Green is probably the Vulcan color of passion and/or danger.

From a Vulcan perspective, Spock’s room is a cozy cottage core with some historical knickknacks hung around.

Kirk’s green carpet, green plants, green lighting room is the Vulcan equivalent of a boudoir at best or blood-stained slaughterhouse at worst.

so what you're saying is Vulcan children's hospitals-

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