A common problem in many organizations is a lack of important organizational components. Setting up these components takes only a few hours, but they will save you many more hours of work and headaches. Believe it or not, organization is one of the most important elements for success when it comes to making money online. These are a few key secrets that will contribute to your success online.


  1. Have 2-3 credit cards that you use for business purchases only.
  2. If you don't plan on paying off your business credit cards monthly, then you should plan on lots of headaches. Get just about any book on responsibly managing your finances from Amazon or your favorite bookstore, and the author will say the same thing. Paying off your credit cards every month is just as important for your business as it is for your personal finances.
  3. Some people start out with Quickbooks and do well. You may benefit from some kind of Quickbooks for Dummies or other how-to book to help you get started. Many people complain about the complexity of Quickbooks, but it is hands down the best program for online business accounting. If you can't afford Quickbooks, then use a spreadsheet. There are a couple of other tools you will need that are more important.
  4. This isn't an article about time management, there are plenty of those out there. Just do whatever it takes to schedule time to develop your business, and schedule personal time to do other stuff. When you're scheduled to do business stuff, don't go searching on eBay for that wide screen TV you've been wanting.
  5. Some people think that there's not much to keep track of if you've got an online business, but that's just not the case.
  6. If you sell some type of product through your business, then you're going to need to keep track of orders customers have placed with you as well as orders placed with vendors. You will also have to sort through credit card and bank statements and several other types of documents. Even if all you do is affiliate marketing, you still need to have a filing system to keep track of purchases. An auto-responder, web hosting, or software such as SEO Elite can be invaluable.
  7. For example, you need a Product Tracker to keep track of what you buy, what you own, what you sell, what you create. You need a Publication Tracker in order to keep track of articles you write, e-zines you publish, your publication calendar for upcoming promotions. Having these trackers brings order and a sense of calm to a business that can otherwise be frantic.

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  • Organization will take some practice and diligence. Don't be too hard on yourself when you mess up and don't give up. You can do it!
  • If you plan to have a successful business, then it's very important to get these organizational issues in order. Everything doesn't need to be done right away, but I would get it done as soon as possible.



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Updated: January 31, 2023
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