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Fright Light: Cute And Creepy Adventure Bulb Boy Is Out

Demo available

Bulb Boy [official site], like Dropsy, is a word-free point and click adventure that mixes the heart-warming with the grotesque. While Dropsy never ventures into straight-up horror territory, however, Bulb Boy is packed with monsters and menace. Playing as the titular child, you wake in the middle of the night to find your house infested with monsters and must use the light within your bulbous bonce to clear the place of critters. I played a demo of the game last year when it was raising funds from the crowd and thought it was rather splendid. The full game has now arrived.

Watch on YouTube

There are quite a few reports of crashes and bugs on the Steam forums and I haven't had chance to play the game myself just yet (it loads just fine though, so that's a start). I'm tempted to take it for a spin tonight, on the strength of that demo, which is still available, linked on the Steam Store page.

Even in the brief playing time, I remember some clever uses of the actual bulb-head in the demo. Expect more of that.

"Being a boy that is a bulb comes with many talents. Not only does your head light up and allows you to survive electrical shocks, but it can also be unscrewed for use in strange places."

Also expect poop.

"POOP - In many sizes and proportions."

Do bulbs have bowels?

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