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Khloé And Lamar Are No Longer Getting Divorced

Kardashian's lawyer withdrew the divorce petition on Wednesday, court records show. A source told BuzzFeed that the couple wants to take some time before making any major decisions.

Reality TV star Khloé Kardashian has filed papers to dismiss her pending divorce to Lamar Odom.

An attorney for Kardashian submitted an application Wednesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court to dismiss the reality TV star's pending divorce application, which had been pending since 2013.

Despite being under intensive medical care, Odom personally signed off on the request for dismissal. Odom, who had been representing himself in the divorce proceedings, signed the form Oct. 20, soon after being transferred from Las Vegas to L.A. for medical care. Khloe's attorney, Laura Wasser, signed the form on the same day on her client's behalf.

The news comes one week after Lamar was discovered unconscious in a Nevada brothel. The former basketball star had cocaine and sex enhancers in his system and spent several days at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas. Lamar has since been moved to Los Angeles.

Odom's health has continued to improve since his transfer to Los Angeles, according to a statement released on Thursday by his Aunt JaNean Mercer on behalf of the family.

He has improved his speech and cognitive responsiveness, and is currently following "an aggressive therapy regiment to aid in his progress," she said.

"In sincerely loving Lamar, we truly love and respect whomever he loves," she said. "We always have and will continue to do so. Together as a team, we will support and encourage him always."

A source with knowledge of the situation told BuzzFeed that, given recent events, the couple decided to put off any major decisions.

This is a very delicate and difficult time for both Lamar and Khloe, and the most sensible thing to do at such a time is not make any big moves and put everything on hold. So that's what she is doing.

Read the request for dismissal here: